Getting Better - 11

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Kaeya knew that he was immensely attracted to the Alchemist, who wouldn't be? But now as he's spent a good while with him, the attraction only seemed to bloom.

He dismissed it for a while but it was the real reason why he decided to visit Albedo in the first place. He does like blondes after all, but Albedo seems to be just a bit different. Curse his curiosity because now he's here, but deep down he doesn't regret it a bit. Not even regretting almost drowning and freezing to death. It's incredibly irrational of him.

Ideally, he wouldn't be sick. He would be flirting and being witty with the Alchemist to get a reaction out of him. But he's been so out of it because of the cold mountain that threatens his health and he's getting tired of it.

Trying to add some flirting while being taken care of is difficult and frankly not worth his energy at the moment. Knowing that he also has to stay in bed for at least a week is going to kill him.

Sucrose has been diligent in making sure that Albedo's schedule works around helping him stay in good health. Kaeya feels guilty for taking up pretty much all of the Alchemist's time. He thinks that both Albedo and Sucrose are being incredibly dramatic but alas they are so focused, they are both too alike in that way.

"How are you feeling at the moment?" Albedo asks, the daily question whenever he comes to visit.

Kaeya exasperates a dramatic sigh, "Seriously I'm better, I don't know what you want from me. I have work to do, you of all people know that."

Albedo clicks his tongue at that response, earning a smirk out of him. "You always say that, and you know I'll never let up."

Albedo sits next to him and writes a couple of notes. He feels the Captain's forehead and the temperature has regulated.

"You're getting better, that's all I need. I'll craft a couple more medicine potions and after five days you should be in much better shape."

"Five?!" Kaeya shouts, his voice echoing through the lab.

The Alchemist places his hand over his mouth to essentially shut him up, "Yes, five. It's not like it's year. I already informed Master Jean and Rosaria that you would be out of commission for a few days."

He puts his hand down and looks up at the Captain, "I'm paying you back, for doing this to you. I apologize for it, truly."

He gets up and does what he always does, works until he's sure everything is okay. Kaeya is honestly worried that, that's what the Alchemist thinks of their relationship. They both got off on the wrong foot.

"You blame yourself too much." Kaeya says in turn.

Albedo doesn't face him but stops what he's crafting. "What does that mean?"

He knows what it means but he says it to question Kaeya's statement.

"Do you think I blame you? For everything that's happened?" Kaeya asks, it's a little desperate and a little uncharacteristic of him but he needs to know. He can't just let the Alchemist talk about himself like this.

Albedo turns around now, his face contorting with so many mixed emotions. "But it was my fault," he responds, so utterly convinced it's a fact.

"By the Archons, Albedo... it was never your fault," Kaeya grimaces at the thought, "If we're being honest, it was mine."

Albedo gets incredibly defensive then, going on and on about the details of how it's utterly and entirely his own fault. Kaeya is tuning everything out, he's so baffled at the thought that the Chief Alchemist was so quick to criticize himself. Put others before himself and disregarding his own feelings.

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