Tears - 24

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Kaeya feels his throat tightening and he can't breathe. His eye opens and he frantically thrashes about, the Herald gripping his throat. "No one is here to save you," he says with a low laugh, "You said you wanted to die."

Every part of himself is saying no but how could he. He desperately wanted the relief of leaving this world. He felt like he didn't deserve to live. And sometimes, in the nights that he's alone and the rain pours out of his windows, it reminds him of the same night. The same night he almost died.

But when he was with the Alchemist, he could distract himself. How could he not be distracted by Albedo's good looks? If none could be distracted by the Chief Alchemist then they have no taste.

But here he is, alone again. With Albedo nowhere to be found.

Kaeya is struggling, he's desperately trying to break free but he just can't. His breathing gives out.

It feels like sweet relief.



The Cavalry Captain jolts awake, he feels his throat to find that it had not been tampered with. And he finds Albedo in his arms, concern in his eyes. "You gave me a fright Kaeya," he says as he slumps back down in his arms.

"You seemed to be having a nightmare, you were screaming," Albedo grips his bloody coat and sighs, "Is it about what the Abyss Herald said?"

Bingo. Albedo is far too observant, that or Kaeya's trauma is just really obvious.

The Captain exasperates a sigh, wincing at the injuries that opened up slightly from being shaken up. "You wouldn't believe me if I said no," it's all he can muster.

Albedo slowly gets up, walking quietly to the door. He glances back at Kaeya, whispering for only him to hear, "I wouldn't.... but that discussion is for later. Someone is here."

Kaeya tries to get up but the Alchemist shakes his head, "I didn't get thrown around like a rag doll, I'm feeling a bit better. You need to save your strength."

"A rag doll? That hurts my pride." Kaeya whispers back, a bit annoyed by the remark.

Albedo isn't listening though, his focus is hearing what's going on beyond the door. It doesn't take too long before it slowly opens, the two of them brace themselves for whoever may be behind the door.

It's the Traveler and Dainsleif.

"Paimon was so worried about you guys! We searched everywhere!"

And of course, Paimon is here.

Kaeya had never felt relief quite like this, he would ask what had happened but he's honestly too tired to care.

"Do you have any healing equipment on you? Kaeya suffered immense injuries and I'm not equipped to aid him," Albedo immediately asked.

Kaeya finds it incredibly endearing that the Alchemist was worried for him, but he wouldn't want Albedo ignoring his own injuries either. He seems to do that, even taking care of himself is difficult when he gets so immersed in his work.

"They can tend to the both of us," he responds, which doesn't seem to please Albedo.

But the Traveler hasn't said a word, Paimon seems to be a bit nervous and Dainsleif is quietly watching the door. It's as if they are all on edge.

"What happened out there?" Albedo asks, it should've been the first question they asked but neither the Captain nor the Alchemist was thinking of it. Only each other.

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