Hangovers - 17

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Kaeya opened his eyes abruptly. The light was incredibly jarring and he hiccuped. He looks around and realizes he's still in the tavern.

This feels like dejavu.

He then looks down to see Albedo sleeping soundly next to him. Using his shoulder to sleep on. He can't help but become flustered. The memories from the night before flooding into his mind again. He winced from the headache that he's feeling, remembering everything and from the fact that he drank a lot.

After Albedo had talked to him, Kaeya decided to get more drinks. Just a night for the both of them. Diluc did not want to give him any more than one cup of wine but Albedo somehow convinced him to.

Kaeya drank a cup too many but he has a high alcohol tolerance, so he didn't forget anything that transpired. Albedo sipped a cup of wine as well but he doesn't enjoy alcohol as much as Kaeya.

They mindlessly chatted the night away, Kaeya mostly trying his best to make conversation with the Alchemist without staring too much. It's hard not to when he's all he can think about.

Kaeya would like to say he's a flirt, a good one at that. But it seems it doesn't phase Albedo much like it does other people. But then again Albedo isn't necessarily normal. The Captain loves to leave people utterly embarrassed and flushed from his teasing. But Albedo leaves him the one to be on that end.

With Albedo's easy charm, his stoic nature, and his beautiful eyes. Most of all his honesty is what really makes Kaeya want to run away from admiration and affection. From his exes, if they had said anything of what Albedo says to him, he wouldn't believe it. But knowing Albedo, he seems to be serious in all aspects of his life.

This is no exception.

Kaeya shakes away the thoughts, needing to get up and out of the tavern. He doesn't want to hear another earful from Diluc for drinking so much the previous night.

Albedo squirms and slowly opens his eyes. "What time is it?" He asks.

Kaeya looks outside, "Just past 8, do you need to be somewhere?"

Albedo ponders for a little while, "I need to visit the lab and find Klee. Do you have somewhere to be?" He lifts his head and slowly takes off the fur coat that's wrapped around himself. He had slept with it, it was an unconscious decision that leaves his cheeks red in color. "Apologies, I didn't realize." He lifts the fur coat up to the Captain.

Kaeya dismisses it, doesn't care too much about it now. He would say that it looks better on the Alchemist but then he'd be thinking about it all day. His heart and mind simply wouldn't be able to handle it, he isn't immune to think dirty thoughts.

"I did have treasure hoarders to deal with, Rosaria should be back in a couple of days," Kaeya says to interrupt his own fleeting thoughts but feels a tug on his shirt.

"Klee wanted to show you Dodoco, maybe your work can wait just a little longer." Albedo smiles just a little.

Kaeya chuckles and feels the urge to kiss him right then and there. But last night wasn't a confession, right? Kaeya is bad with these things, if only his feelings could be so simple. "It can wait," he smiles in return.

Albedo tries to stand up but almost tumbles over. Kaeya catching him just in time and their faces are so close together. Kaeya looks away quickly, as to hide the deep crimson red creeping up onto his face. Albedo uses him as leverage to stand up properly, "Apologies, the alcohol I presume is what is making my vision a bit wry. I don't drink these sorts of beverages on the daily... or ever."

Kaeya nods, "We'll get some water from Diluc before we leave. I wouldn't want you falling for me at every corner~" He teases.

Albedo looks at him with a serious face, "I can walk."

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