Your Warmth - 5

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Albedo carefully let Kaeya back into the cave. The trek back was a bit tiresome but they had made it back just in time. Klee, who had been fidgeting the whole time they had been out, immediately jumped up and hugged the Captain's leg. He was very wet and had developed frost all over but the little girl didn't care.

Her eyes were puffy from crying the entire time, she had been so worried. "Mister Kaeya, I'm sorry I went out for fish again," her voice shaky and uneven. He shook his head vigorously but didn't pick her up. "It's okay little puffball," the nickname made her giggle a little which seemed to cheer her up just a bit, "Your brother here found me, and that's all that matters."

Albedo just looks at him, he's been looking at him this entire time but just seeing him like this... it saddens him a little. He's always been adamant about keeping his emotions as stable as possible. This feeling of sadness and empathy is strong, he hasn't felt like this since his master had passed away.

"I'm sorry.." the blonde whispers. Kaeya shifts his attention back at him, confused as ever. "Why?" His eye piercing right through him, trying to see him.

"I shouldn't have left you like that. I was so focused on saving Klee that I didn't notice you were gone. Not until she pointed it out to me." He looks away, this statement making him feel shame but it was needed to be said. Kaeya deserved that much.

And with that Kaeya chuckles a little. "I said it was okay, you saved me remember? I think I owe you."

The Alchemist, still looking away, shakes his head. Kaeya doesn't owe him anything. Seeing as Albedo didn't respond, Kaeya goes quiet. He instead goes over to the little fire that Klee had cooked the fish. The fish is burnt, supposedly the nerves got the best of her. Kaeya smiles but it's small and faint. The nightmare still so vivid in his mind but he shakes it away. He takes the fish out and takes a bite, cringing at the taste but handing it over to Albedo.

"Eat some."

Albedo frankly doesn't want burnt fish but looks over at Klee who eagerly awaits him to try her "wonderful" cooking. He might teach her when they are under better circumstances but now is definitely not the time. He takes a little bite and swallowing it down as best he can smiles at her, "It's good Klee."

She grins and claps her hands together, "It'll keep you warm tonight."


The little girl is fast asleep. Albedo is stroking her hair and is reading a book while staying close to the fire. It's late now and both of the men have been awake. Kaeya hasn't said a word since having a bite out of the fish. Albedo trying to distract himself because he doesn't want to pry what may be bothering the Captain.

Kaeya moves his hand to remove his ponytail. It's a normal action, people do it when they need to sleep but seeing the Cavalry Captain with his hair down is something else.

Albedo immediately wants to shrivel up and shield his eyes because it feels vulnerable for Kaeya. No one has seen him without his ponytail, though thinking about it now he doesn't even wear a high pony tail. But even so Albedo can't help but look at him.

His blue hair falling onto his face and the way he moves it out of the way of his eye. Don't even mention his eye, it's such a wonderful shade of blue and his skin is so fair, perfect.

"Like what you see?~"

And just like that Albedo is shot back into reality. The Archons are seriously testing him, he can't be acting this unruly and disrespectful. It's so unlike him.

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