False Stars - 30

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The days have gone by, the Alchemist stroking his canvas with his paint brush, the cold wind in his blonde hair. Work has picked up again. It's a familiar feeling, working to the bone but it's not unwelcome.

The only difference this time is he doesn't reside in Dragonspine as much as he did before. He goes up top to paint and gather information but he always finds his way back to Mondstadt, a warm embrace finding him when he arrives.

The days have been so calm, it's unnerving how peaceful it's been since the incident. His limbs still covered in purple marks, he's been wearing long sleeves more frequently as of late.

Kaeya knows of this and never pries. His usual demeanor with others is never used upon the Alchemist, Albedo is so thankful for it.

And so with each passing day Albedo is able to focus so much better than ever before. His work ethic has been astounding and others have taken notice. His paintings seem to have much more life to them as well. It's elegance and pristine quality of the colors and emotion. There is so much emotion in his art that Jean had personally commissioned him for one.

The people of Mondstadt are spreading rumors of what change could have occurred in the Alchemist. His much friendlier demeanor and his work being so awe inspiring, it makes people think.

Kaeya and Albedo don't hide much of their affection, the only thing is Albedo is one to always work away from people. This makes it so none of their antics are on public display.

Albedo closes up his easel and stuffs his canvas in his bag. He looks out over the cold mountain and takes a deep breath, walking down the path back to Mondstadt. As an artist he can see colors and shapes like no ordinary individual but his problem had always been imagining art in a logical sense. There had always been something missing from his work that he couldn't quite put his finger on.

The Alchemist hurries back to the house nearby the Headquarters, opening the door to find a certain person sitting at his desk. Kaeya turns around, his eyepatch off and his hair pulled up in a high ponytail. It's curly because he had just taken a shower and Albedo cannot stop staring.


This heavenly looking man is what Albedo has been missing.

"Hello dear~" Kaeya smiles, it's such a small but radiant smile.

Albedo is so drawn to him, like a magnet that can't help but be attracted to him. And how could he complain? If he gets to bask in his presence for the rest of his life then he would. It makes his emotions spiral out of control, and putting that onto a canvas is exactly how he's even able to express just how much Kaeya has affected him.

Albedo walks up to him, not being able to utter a word. He leans down to give Kaeya a kiss, it's long and sensual. The Captain is eager as well, as if he's been waiting all day just to taste his lips on his own. He weaves his fingers through his blonde hair, undoing the braids that Albedo does every morning.

"How was work?" he mutters.

Albedo hums to recall what he had done for the day. "I was able to paint after so long, I also found something. Although, it was near the site where I was captured," Albedo takes a slip of paperwork off of the desk and examines it.

Kaeya's brows furrow slightly, "And what was it?" There's a sense of anxiety to the question and Albedo washes it away with light peck to his forehead.

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