Destiny- 51

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Jean paces her office, her heels clicking against the wooden floor as she anxiously bites her nail. Suddenly the door opens and she looks up, Venti at the door.

"Did you find Albedo?"

Venti sighs, "Diluc told me that they'd be in the same cave as they once were but when we went... no one was there."

She chips her nail and curses under her breath. "This isn't good. If we can't find them then they must be in hiding or they've been taken in by either the abyss or the fatui. Or worst case scenario they are working with them."

Venti shakes his head, "I don't think it's gotten to that point. But we need to make sure it doesn't. Diluc is persistent and knows Kaeya well. I'm sure that if anyone can find them, it's him."

Venti turns around and stays silent for long time, listening to the eery silence.

"Venti?" She whispers.

"I need to go, something is wrong."


"Kaeya! Where-" Albedo trips and falls to the ground. Snow piling up as the storm rages around them. It almost feels like dejavu.

"Albedo! I'm right here my love." Kaeya wraps his arms around him and helps him off the ground.

"Imbeciles." No doubt Durin's voice seeping out.

"Oh shut up you big dumb dragon, you should just fly us out of here," Kaeya says with a bit of grit.

"It would be possible if it were not for the mere fact of zero visibility. The winds are also incredibly strong. You are the one who has put himself in this situation."

Kaeya rolls his eyes and keeps walking, Albedo still clung to his side. It's getting increasingly difficult to even walk in the storm, as if they are both stuck just waiting to be consumed by winter's cold embrace.

"We'll get out, I promise." Kaeya's voice wavers, sounding more unsure than ever. Albedo clings on dragging his feet in the snow as if he were barely holding onto reality.

Suddenly his head perks up, stops dead in his tracks and his eyes become a piercing shade of purple. "Something is wrong."

Kaeya looks down and sees Durin consume Albedo's body, wings sprouting from his back and horns start to form at the top of his head.

"Albedo?!" Kaeya cups his face but can only watch in horror as the body of his lover starts to contort and morph into that of a beast. Albedo's hands are now a dark shade of purple, all of his limbs don't look remotely human at all, claw like features instead of fingers. His eyes glow brightly and purple streaks run down his cheeks as if they were tears that have dried. His hair is longer, messier and tangled. Walking on all fours, he spreads his wings and opens his mouth.

"We must leave. Get on my back. They are here. And they will take us."

Kaeya hesitates, wanting to ask so many questions but he knows that they have no time. He hops onto his back, the dragon wincing at contact but does not bother to complain. Durin steadies himself and launches himself into the air.

Kaeya shuts his eyes as the snow hits his face like hail showering down onto him. But when he opens his eyes he only sees clouds below them. "Are we... above everything?" He whispers, in awe of the sight of the sun and a valley of clouds.

"I do miss this, flying above the storm to find the sun shining brightly. It reminds me of home."

Durin soars through the sky, closing his eyes to feel the breeze flowing through his hair. Kaeya reaches down to feel the clouds between his fingers, smiling and laughing. He's never felt so free.

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