Teen mom - Chapter twenty two

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To say I'm scared of my dad getting out would be putting it lightly. I'm petrified.

What if I just see him on the street or somewhere in town and he tries to do something? I mean Im the reason he went to jail im sure he's not going to be happy with me.

I just hope that doesn't happen. I don't want to see him. I don't want to remember those nights he would be drunk and would beat me just because he could. Because I wouldn't tell because I had more respect for him than he deserved.

I wipe the tear that fell just from thinking about it and turn on my other side toward Jake. He's sleeping still and I figure I might as well go back to sleep.

"I'm sorry." I whisper and close my eyes.

Jake puts his arm around me and pulls me closer to him.

"What are you sorry for?" He asks.

"Your awake?" I ask opening my eyes now but he still has his eye closed.

"Yes, now what are you sorry about?"

"I'm sorry for everything. I've made your life way more complicated than it ever would've been."

Now he opens his eyes.

"Stop right there. If I wanted an easier life then yes I wouldn't date you but I want a life with you. Your worth it. Everyone has baggage."

"I know I just feel like a burden some of the time."

"Well your not." He says and kisses my forehead.

"I love you." I mumble before his lips crash down on mine.

He kissed me with so much passion and intensity and I know it's because he leave in three weeks and it's going to be hard not seeing each other.

We just kiss for a while but that's it, like he's afraid he'll break me if he does anything else.

After we stop to catch our breath he whispers, "I love you too."

"Want something to eat?" I ask looking up at him.

"As long as you cook." He says leaning down and kissing me again.

I smile and get out of my bed. It's noon so I'll make us lunch.

I put a frozen pizza into the oven since its so easy to make.

Jake comes down when I'm cutting up the pizza.

"I've got something to tell you." He say grabbing a price of pizza and taking a bite.

"What?" I ask taking a price myself.

"I have to go earlier than i thought. I have to leave Monday."

"What?" I choke on the words, there's a lump in my throat now. "But today's Friday."

"I know. I'm sorry but I've got to go. It's something about everyone needing more time to move in so everyone has to go earlier now."

"I know it's fine. I knew this was gonna happen I knew you were going to college, I just didn't think it'd happen so fast. I'm going to miss you."

"I'm going to miss you too. But I'll come back on breaks and weekends when I can."

"I know you will. This is just going to be weird not being able to just see you whenever I need to."

"I know it's the same for me. Im only going for two years and I have a lot of my credits so it's really only going to be like a year and a half."

"I'm happy for you though. You got into the college you wanted." I say.

"I don't want to go to college. I'm going because it's the only way my dad will let me take part of his company and all that great stuff."

"Well I'm sure you'll do great." I say and grab another piece of pizza.

"I have to go home and pack because I've packed nothing. You want to help? So we're at least still spending time together."

"Yeah besides im sure you can use some help. I've seen your folding skills." I say and chuckle.

We eat some more pizza and I get ready before we leave to his house.

We made a system, he hands me the clothes he's bringing and I fold them then he put them in boxes.

We pack all his clothes within a hour and start on other stuff.

"You bringing this?" I ask smiling down at the picture of us on prom night.

"Yeah along with that one." He says pointing to the picture on his TV stand.

The one on his TV stand is one of my favorite pictures of us.

It's us standing towards each other before we kiss just smiling at one another. Morgan took it with out us knowing which makes it even better, it's an in the moment picture.

I smile and place it on top of the other one. "That's one of my favorite pictures."

"Mine too." He says smiling before kissing me.


Finally updated within a decent amount of time!

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Go ahead and check out my other book 'Niall's best friend' if you want! I'd really appreciate it!


- crazy_writer_2013

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