Teen mom - Chapter ten

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"Now will you please give me another chance?" is ringing through my head.

He just told me he loves me.

My brain is telling me to be smart and not to he'll just cheat again. Then there's my heart telling me how much I love him and how much I've missed him.

He's standing in front of me, slightly touching me.

A shiver runs through me and I think of a response since he's standing there waiting for one.

"I don't know... you hurt me bad. I want to I really do but if I just forgive you your just going to think you can cheat again and get away with it with no repercussions."

"No repercussions? I miss you so fucking much not having you by my side and being able to call you mine. I've been hurting for not having you by my side but I've also been hurting and beating myself up because I'm the reason you've been hurting. If I could go back and change what I did I would. These feelings we have for each other only happen once in a lifetime and we're meant to be."

"You mean that?" I ask

"I wouldn't of said it if I didn't meant it." He says leaning in kissing me.

I melt as soon as his lips meet mine. I wrap my hands around his neck and he wraps his around my waist.

The kiss is perfect.

"Yes?" he asks as we break apart and he leans over me as we catch our breath.

"Yes." I say leaning into him.

"Come lay back down." He says leaning into me.

"I can't, really I got to go." I say leaning away.

"Why not?" he whines.

"I told you I have a pounding headache. Besides I got to go home and clean up last nights party so it can get dirty again during tonight's party."

"What party?"

"I'm surprised you haven't been invited to one yet. She's been throwing these parties and been getting drunk ever since my dad left." I say before I turn away and he catches my wrist.

"The parties on your street I've been hearing of them. Just come lay back down a few more hours then you can go, I'll drive you."

"A few more hours?" I ask leaning I to him and he pulls me back inside.

I lay back down with him on his bed and I'm about to drift off back to sleep before I remember I wanted to tell him something.

"I'm sorry." I say sitting up causing his arms to unwrap around me.

He sits up and wraps his arms around me again pressing his chest to my back. He rests his head on my shoulder and I can smell his scent that I've missed.

"Your sorry? For what?" he asks.

"I'm sorry for not listening to you and letting you really explain what happened. Also for ignoring you this past month and a half and not letting you even say anything to me."

"Don't be sorry. I hurt you you had every right to be mad."

"Still I'm sorry. It's just..." I stop talking due to the giant lump in my throat and I feel like I'm about to cry. "It's just I love you and I've missed you so much."

He turns and looks me in the eye intensifying everything. "I love you and I've missed you so much. I'm sorry honestly I am."

I hug him wrapping my arms around him not wanting to ever leave his side.

Teen momWhere stories live. Discover now