Teen mom - Chapter twenty seven

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I'm laying on the hospital bed while my doctor, Dr.Madison put the gel on my stomach.

She says it's about two more months before we know the gender because I'm 11 weeks but Jake says we should just start buying boy stuff it's going to be a boy.

The appointment goes relatively fast and we get an ultrasound picture and leave after going over any questions.

After going through paper work they gave us to fill out I realized I don't have any of my paper work like my social security card or birth certificate.

I can go buy it at the court house but I can just go to my parents house when there gone and get it so that's what we do.

Jake and I are parked across the road and we wait about twenty minutes before my mom and dad leave.

I don't know how long they'll be gone but I need the paper work.

Jake comes with me and we go upstairs to my mom office where it kept.

I go through the box that's full of paperwork and picture but it's taking to long and it's my paperwork so I just grab the box and head back to jakes car.

We drive away and my parents pull in so good thing I grabbed the box instead of trying to look for it.

We get back to our apartment and Jake orders Chinese food and goes to pick it up while I go through the box.

It's in folders and it's neat so it isn't hard to find. There's a folder for my hospital record and there's a folder for my other stuff like birth certificate and social security card. Then there's pictures.

But there's another folder without a label. I go in it and there's three different ultra sound pictures. All early in your pregnancy. Then there's hospital paperwork. And then there's about ten letters wrote by my mom.

From what I've read it says my mom was supposed to have a child before me but she had a miscarriage. Then in the letters it goes to say she had a miscarriage and my dad got very mad and violent. But then she got pregnant again, with me. He was happy till he realized I wouldn't replace his first child and then started drinking and the rest I already know.

It makes sense now why he would say what he said when he beat me and why my moms so mad about the pregnancy. I just don't get why she didn't tell me this at all.

I'm putting the stuff back in the box except for my stuff that I need when I feel Jake's hand on my shoulder and him saying, "Hey, you alright?"

"Yeah im fine why?" I say turning around to face him.

"I was knocking on the door to have you let me in. How didn't you hear?"

"Lost in thought I guess, im sorry."

"Its fine, lets eat."

We eat at the table and he asks if I got what I needed from the box so i tell him how i found all that stuff and he seems surprised but I've told him about my dad before but now he knows the whole story i guess. I've just never went into detail about the beatings or anything and i don't know if i ever will.

I cant believe my mom would go back to him. Hasn't he put us through enough? Shes convinced he's a changed man but he's not. Once you do that and have no remorse at all you cant just somehow get a conscience especially not from prison.

I'm sure his year and a month of prison time gave him more time to think of ways to get back at me for sending him there.

I work tomorrow so I go to bed early so it wont be that bad.

I haven't worked in a while but im going to ask for more hours so ill start making more money so Jake isn't the one buying everything for the baby.

I mean he already does so much and he goes back to school in a month and a half so i need to start saving.

We set our doctors appointment to find out the gender the day before he goes back to college.

I don't think im going to go to college. I always wanted to but things have changed so i had to make a new plan. That's plan is to protect and take care of my baby no matter what. Be a good mom, nothing like mine.


2 weeks later

I've got more hours a lot more. I'm making a good amount of money now and a girl quit so they gave me her hours plus mine.

I only get a day off a week if that. I don't mind it though the boss is really chill and we get tips too which is a plus.

Feels like i never get time with Jake now though, so to make up for it i'm taking him out to eat at the Olive Garden tonight.

I worked 11-4 today and my shifts done so I go to my car and start driving to our apartment.

It's hot out today and I showered before work so I just change into black ripped shorts and a white loose v neck tshirt.

I put my hair down and straighten it and go over my mascara before I'm set.

Jake walks in and he's wearing khaki shorts and a white button up tshirt rolled up to his elbows. He doesn't even have to try to look good.

"Have you ate yet?" I ask going through my purse making sure I have everything.

"Nope want to go somewhere?" He asks.

"That's what we're doing. Let's go." I says grabbing my purse and heading to the door.

Jake locks the door and follows me out to my car and I drive us which is weird it's usually the opposite.

"Where are we going?" He asks ten minutes into the drive.

It's a thirty minute drive to Olive Garden.

"Olive Garden." I answer switching the radio station.

"Really? It's not even our anniversary or anything. What's the occasion?"

"I just feel like I haven't had enough time with you. So I'm taking you on a date."

"You know pizza and movies would've been fine." He smirks leaning back against the seat.

"I know but I wanted to do something special."

"And that's why I love you. Plus a million other things."

"Same to you." I say smiling pulling into the Olive Garden parking lot.


I'm already writing to next chapter so hopefully I'll be updating soon!

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- crazy_writer_2013

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