Teen mom - Chapter thirteen

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About twenty minutes into the drive which neither of us have spoke Jake breaks the silence.

"So why'd you leave early?" he asks.

Do I tell him what happened or no?

"Nothing really it's just someone got under my skin and I wanted to leave so I left."

"Was it Dylan?"

How does he know?

"Maybe, how'd you know?"

"Well you knew it was Dylan's dad looking for you, what happened?"

"Nothing it's just... nothing."

"What happened?" he repeats.

"Last hour of the day so it was study hall for me and I was going to the library and I bumped into him and in don't even get what he meant. He pushed me into the wall and said he wants me back and I'm supposed to do whatever he says then I walked into his dad and he said I need to listen to Dylan or he'll tell the office I was smoking in the school and get me in trouble if I don't do what Dylan wants."

I can tell he's mad because he's gripping the steering wheel so tight his knuckles are white.

He just muttering curse words for the past few minutes.

He finally calms down and looks over at me and back at the rode.

"Are you alright? They didn't do anything did they?" he asks.

"I'm fine they didn't do anything except for making me mad and I don't know panicky." I say.

He just nods and grabs my hand rubbing with with his thumb.

After a half hour of driving which is fifty minutes total now were in the town were supposed to be and he's driving to the place he still hasn't told me what it is.

My phone starts ringing and I take it out of my cross-body coach purse.

I read the name and it's my mom. Why is she calling me shouldn't she be drunk passed out already?

I answer it.

Me: Hello?

Mom: Where are you? the cops where here they said you left school!

Me: I'm in the car it's spring break I'm with Jake and yeah I left school

Mom: When your back your grounded for two weeks!

Me: Why? you've been drinking this whole time why don't you just go drink and forget about it!

Mom: Don't talk to me like that! We're going to finish this conversation when your back

Me: Fine with me

Mom: Call me tomorrow I love you bye

Me: I will love you too bye

I don't care how mad at my mom I'm still going to tell her I love her.

I hang up and put my phone in my purse and haven't even noticed we stopped and were in front of a beautiful house that's wood on the outside like a huge cabin.

"Your mom?" Jake asks.

"Yeah. We're here but whats here?" I asks.

"This was my grandparents house on my dads side. When they died they left it to my parents but it's not to there liking so they don't come up here like ever."

"It's so beautiful though and I haven't even seen the inside." I say.

"Then let's go see the inside." He says getting out of the car and getting our bags.

Teen momWhere stories live. Discover now