Teen mom - Chapter thirty one

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It's Christmas Eve and jakes home. He actually finished college already. He had quite a bit of credits done in high school so he only had to do 1 1/2 years instead of 2.

Seeing how close I am to being due Im obviously not working right now but I have maternity leave so I'm still getting paid. I saved up a lot of money to buy Jake the present I wanted to get him even though he told me not to get him anything. I got him a Rolex, pretty spendy but hes worth it.

I already know his family is going to spoil us with baby presents but its fine, they're all excited about our little boy. They all keep asking about what we're naming him but were making it a surprise, we're going to tell them tonight at his family dinner at his parents house.

People complain about being pregnant and thinking they're fat but I'm not. I'm carrying my precious baby boy I couldn't be happier. Plus it gives an excuse to wear sweats and a sweater all the time.

I'm not huge though due to being so young I didn't get a huge stomach and I've been using this cream to avoid stretch marks but even if I get them I won't mind, they'll being a reminder of my child.

I can't wait to be able to hold him in my arms, I'm counting down the days. Only got like a week to two weeks left.

I cut my hair about a month ago it's a little past my shoulders and it's so much lighter and easier to deal with.

We're getting ready to go to jakes parents house. I straighten my hair and get dressed. I put on black leggings and a white loose knit sweater. I put on mascara and socks before slipping on my uggs.

Jake puts on a dark jeans with a white button up shirt. He takes off his coat putting it over my shoulders while we walk outside to his car.

There's so much snow outside but it doesn't bother me kind of makes me want to go and build a snowman but being pregnant would make that kind of difficult.

We have our Christmas tree up in our apartment and everything and I'm loving the Christmas spirit.

Can't wait to see Morgan and talk about everything and catch up. It sucks she's at college but that's where I should be. I wouldn't trade my child for anything though.

My mom and I have sort of talked. Called and wished her Merry Christmas but that was about it. I don't know if we'll ever have a good relationship again but I hope we do. I want my son to know his grandparents on both sides excluding my dad.

Thinking about him kind of tampers with my mood but Jake pulls me out of my thoughts.

"Babe you feel alright?" He asks putting his hand on my thigh driving with the other.

Kind of makes me nervous seeing how bad the roads are but he's still cautious and moves back to both hands on the wheel.

"Yeah I'm good. Just thinking."

"I can't wait for our child. I was stressed at first and worried now it's just anticipation I can't wait."

"I know I want to be able to see him and hold him. It'll come soon enough. These months flew by." I say tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"They sure did."

He drives for a couple more minutes before pulling into his parents house.

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