Teen mom - Chapter thirty

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Please read authors note at the end!


I haven't talked to my mom since I told her that basically I don't care and that was two weeks ago.

I'm sure she's fine so I make a cup of coffee and sit and read through the baby name book.

I stop after getting bored of it and go though my phone and see on the online newspaper that my dad was convicted of domestic abuse. Looks like my mom was telling the truth.

Well I wish it wouldn't of happened but i don't feel bad for her. She basically kicked me out for him. So I hope she don't want to see me or her grandson because she's not going to.

He's going to be in there longer this time. For doing the same thing again and because he broke is probation. He wasn't supposed to have contact with either of us.

Even though its September I cant wait for thanksgiving. Because then Jake and Morgan will be back, not for long but they'll be back.

Then Christmas and then after Christmas ill be close to having our son. I cant wait to be able to hold him in my arms and finally see what he looks like.

Who knows, will he look like Jake or me, or even a little of both? Guess only time will tell.

I watch some tv and do some online shopping, which really means putting stuff in my cart even though I cant afford it and will probably never buy it.

I've really realized I need to make some more friends or at least invite some of my work friends over because my days are so boring without Jake or Morgan.

Theres a knock on the door which means I have to get up and I don't want to but I do.

Its Jakes mom so I open the door and let her in.

She comes in and we have small talk, mostly about the baby.

She brought over some baby toys she bought and we set them up in his room.

It's nice to have company especially since it's so boring around here.

She leaves about after a hour so I watch a movie and fall asleep.

The same routine continues every day.

Wake up, text Jake, work, eat, sleep.

Same thing everyday but it's alright I guess. I just can't wait for Jake to get home.


Jakes back and I couldn't be happier. He's only back for the weekend so I can't be that excited but I still am.

My moms been calling me non stop telling me how she wants me to come down for dinner but I don't know.

I have plans already which is being with Jake and his family.

Since I am 7 months, going on 8 months pregnant I'm not wearing a dress or anything formal. I never really have but I feel like I need to make a good impression since I haven't met all of jakes family.

I'm laying in bed and Jake's next to me on his phone.

"Ugh. I don't know if I can go." I say.

"What, why not?" He asks putting his phone down looking at me.

"I don't have nothing to wear and I'm pretty sure sweatpants and a tshirt isn't good enough."

"Do you really think their going to care? No ones going to dress up dress up anyway."

"Fine but if I look completely out of place that's your fault."

"Sweetie your pregnant, your not going to exactly blend in." He says chucking getting up.

I sigh and sit up.

Jakes already in an out of the shower before I'm ready to take one.

I got my hair cut to a little bit past my shoulders a month ago but it makes it so much faster in the shower and getting ready. 

I shower and brush me teeth before dressing in what I said, sweatpants and a tshirt. Basically what I wear everyday.

I let my hair down natural and do mascara.

When I'm done I sit on the couch and watch some tv seeing we've got two hours before its 5 and time for us to go.

Jake comes over to the couch and leans over kissing me.

"You look stunning." He says smiling sitting down next to me.

"No I don't I look like something from the side of the road."

"Babe your way off." He says kissing me again causing me to forget what we were even talking about.

My phone going off causes us to break apart.

And it's a text from my mom.

I ignore it and put my phone on the table beside the couch.

Time goes by relatively fast and we head to Jakes parents house.

Pictures. That's what the rest of the night consisted of after eating the big thanksgiving meal.

Picture after picture and questions about the baby.

I'm pretty sure everyone asked about twice if we've picked a name and they got the same answer. Haven't decided yet.

I've met pretty much everyone in Jake's family now and they all seem to like me.

Morgan and I catch up while Jake talks football with the guys and the other people drink.

She tells me about how she went to this crazy party and woke up on the kitchen table and doesn't remember anything of the night.

We're going to hangout tomorrow before she leaves back to college because Jake leaves a day after her.

After getting a couple more pictures took people start heading out and Jake and I just go up to his old room and fall asleep here instead of driving back home.


I have no idea for a baby name so I'm going to do a little contest type thing where you guys comment baby boy names and I'll pick one!

So comment some baby boy names and I might pick yours!


- crazy_writer_2013

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