Teen mom - Chapter twenty six

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I wake up and Jake's not in his room so I just lay in his bed snuggling into his comforter.

I find my phone and see that it's ten in the morning. I scroll through social media till Jake comes in.

"You ready to go?" He asks laying next to me.

"Go where?" I ask.

"Get your stuff my dad has an apartment ready for us. In his one apartments on this side of town not the other ones." he says since his dad owns two sets of apartments in town.

"What if my mom and him are at home still?" I ask.

"We can drive by and see."

"Ok let's go." I say getting up following him downstairs.

He hands me a mug of coffee and and grabs one for himself.

"Thanks." I say sipping it as I put on my shoes and go to his car with him.

My moms car is gone so I'm hoping their both gone. Jake pulls in next to my car and I unlock my car and open my trunk to my stuff in it.

The front door is locked so I'm guessing their not home.

I walk through the house and their both gone so I go quickly to room to hurry up and leave before they come back.

I have two suit cases so I fill them up with clothes. I grab two totes and fill them up with the rest of my clothes and then my pictures and stuff if need to take with.

Jake carries them for me not letting me so I put the two totes in my trunk and my suit cases in my back seat.

I follow Jake to our new apartment and I think we're crazy for doing this so fast but it's the best option we have.

You have to unlock the door to get into the building then you go to your apartment and unlock the door to get into your apartment. There's two upstairs and two downstairs.

We have the one on the right on the main floor.

It's furnished but only because he had his parents go out and get stuff, they don't come furnished.

I will say they have great taste. They got us a black couch and matching black love seat, a TV, a kitchen table and chair.

It's hard woods floors throughout and it's really nice. It's like their house but an apartment. There's two bedrooms and one bathroom. Jake and I will have a bedroom and the baby will have one.

Their right next to each other too so we'll be able to hear the baby.

Our room has a bed and a grey comforter and sheets. We also have a matching bedroom set.

The baby's room has a crib, a changing station and a dresser.

It's really nice I can't believe they did all this especially so fast.

"We still have to get stuff like plates and silver wear and food." Jake says sitting on the couch turning on the tv.

"When should we do that?" I ask.

"In a bit we should probably bring our stuff in here and organize some of it."

"Yeah." I say and we go and get our stuff from our cars.

We fill up our closet and place some pictures on our dresser but we put most of our pictures in the living room.

I put my laptop on the bed side table on my side of the bed. He sleeps on the left side and I sleep on the right side of the bed.

After putting all our stuff away we go to the store.

We get towels, dishes, paper towels, cleaning supplies, and all that stuff you need along with food.

"So I have an ultra sound in like three weeks so you want to go with?" I ask Jake sitting in the passenger seat.

"Of course I want to go." he says smiling putting the rest of the groceries in his car.

Since Jake says he'll go with me so I'm not as nervous but I'm still nervous.


So this is a short chapter but you guys needed an update and I wanted to end it here, so here you go!


- crazy_writer_2013

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