Teen mom - Chapter twenty nine

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"So the gender is... a boy!" The doctors say and I look at Jake.

The same smile spread across his face from when I told him I was pregnant.

"Well I guess you were right." I say.

"Always an aren't I."

We thank the doctors then leave and go home.

Jake picks me up food from my favorite Mexican restaurant on our way home because he has to leave right away the doctors appointment went a little longer than expected.

"Are you sure you don't want to come with and stay in my apartment?" He asks kissing me leaning over the stand in the car.

"Can't need to stay here and get ready for our boy."

"I love you. I love our child. I can't wait to have a family with you, your going to be a great mom you know that." He says holding my hand.

"And your going to be a great dad. I love you too."

We just sit there for five minutes before he gets out and opens my door for me and helps me out of the car even though I can get out fine myself.

I hug him and don't want to let go but I have to because he has to go back to college.

"Call me when you get there, okay?" I say.

"I will."

We say goodbye and I go inside and lock the door.

I turn on the tv and eat the food before doing some cleaning.

I decide that tomorrow I'm going to go and buy some baby stuff after work.

I'm going to by sheets, clothes, toys all the stuff I couldn't before because we weren't sure on the gender.

I texted Morgan the good news about us having a boy so I'm sure her parents know.

I haven't talked to my parents and I don't plan on talking to them any time soon. They aren't worth my breath.

After tidying up I grab the baby boy name book and start going through.

I highlight the ones I like and put a sticky note tab on the page so I can find my way back.

I go through the A's but end up falling asleep.

I wake up to my alarm going off signaling I have a long day of work ahead.

I only work 9-4 today so it won't be that bad and it's Tuesday so it won't be that busy.

I get ready which isn't long. Just putting on black dress pants, my work tshirt and pulling my hair up into a pony tail.

I have on mascara from yesterday still so I just leave it and set off to work.

I run the cash register today and time seems to go by so slow since there's only two people here.

But then Morgan walks in and we talk for like ten minutes before my manager gives us the angry eye so Morgan orders a BLT so we can continue talking.

She's going to come over after work and hangout for a bit but then she has to go she leaves back to college tomorrow.

She switched colleges and is now going to a college about a hour away.

It kind of sucks having all my friends be in college but there's consequences for actions and this is it. But i wouldn't change it for the world.

Work drags on and lasts to long for my liking but it always does.

On my break my mom calls me which is weird I haven't spoke to her since I left so I ignore her call.

I don't want to hear what she has to say. Probably tell me how I'm making a huge mistake with my life and whatever else her irrelevant opinions are.

After work I go through Arby's drive thru and get a roast beef sandwich and curly fries and head back to our apartment.

It's not long till after I get home that Morgan stops by and we mostly talk about the baby. She wants to throw me a baby shower but the only people that would go would be her Jake and their family.

I say thanks but no thanks.

She agrees besides I already got mostly everything.

We go threw baby names but there's still so much more to go threw.

We end up watching the notebook and falling asleep on the couch like we always used to.

She's going to live in a dorm which i don't get it's like the size of her closet at home but she likes it.

She wants the whole college experience even if it does mean dealing with a person five feet away from you snoring while your trying to study.

I think I'm going to do online college after I have our son. I still don't know though. I think I want to be a therapist. Be able to help people.

I still have time to figure it out. Besides I have one job right now and that's to be a great mom.

I wake up in the middle of the night to my mom calling me again so I just ignore her call again.

If she really wants to talk she can call me tomorrow not now at one in the morning.

But then she calls again so I turn my phone off. I'm not going to listen to all the lies she has to say especially not now when I'm trying to sleep.

I got up at nine and so did Morgan which meant she needed to leave right away which sucks.

She says she's going to skype me before she goes to bed and tell me about all the unpacking she probably won't do for a week.

We say goodbye and she leaves and I sit on my couch enjoying my day off.

Till my mom calls again.

"What?" I answer obviously not wanting to be talking to her.

"He... He did it again... He said he was done with it but he's not. He hit... And he smacked me and then he left." She cries.

"Well I told you he wasn't going to change. But you didn't want to listen. I'm not talking to you after you chose him over me. So deal with it yourself." I say before hanging up not giving her a chance to speak.

I feel mean but she chose him over me after I told her he didn't change. So it's not my problem no more. She can deal with it herself.


I finally updated within a decent amount of time!

It's 3 in the morning here and I should be sleeping but I wanted to update for you guys.

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- crazy_writer_2013

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