Teen mom - Chapter nine

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It's been a month and a half and it's been awful.

My mom and I have finished our court stuff and he'll be away about two years.

My mom isn't handling it well. She's turned into what my dad was... an alcoholic.

She's drank everyday and now she brings home random guys and sleeps with them. The parties are horrible too.

She has parties and ends up trashing the house and I end up cleaning it and trying to catch up on school work while Morgan still helps me.

I've moped around this last month and a half and I've missed enough school but I can't handle this heart break.

My grades went down but I've managed through the blaring music of the parties my mom throws and my locked door I stay in my room studying and doing my work so I don't get behind.

I've got them back up to the regular A B and a couple C's.

Jake has tried to talk to me, in school I ignore him and walk away. He texts me and I don't ever read them and he calls and I don't answer and I don't listen to the voicemails he leaves.

It's Saturday and my mom is throwing a party like usual. Knowing she would I did all my homework last night after school.

Morgan texts me and wants me to go over to her house since she's grounded. That means she can't leave but she can have as many people over at her house.

I debate a good thirty minutes before texting her back that I'll go.

I really really really hope Jake isn't there.

I already know I'll end up spending the night so I put on my grey sweatpants with elastic at the ankles and a white v-neck t-shirt.

My hair is in a fishtail braid so I leave it along with my eyeliner and mascara.

I grab my purse and put my phone and charger in it before I grab my keys. I lock my bedroom door because I can just stick a toothpick in it and open it when I get back and leave.

I drive to her house stopping on the way to get gas but I get there and the lights are on.

I knock. Even though it's only nine thirty at night I'm still hoping her parents are sleeping.

There not.

Her mom Victoria, opens the door and gives me a shameful look before letting me in and telling me to go to the kitchen.

"Ok?" I say but it comes out like a question.

Everyone's in the kitchen including Jake but Morgan isn't. I want to cry, I want to cry so bad just seeing him.

He looks tired. He has two day stubble on his face and dark circles under his eyes. He looks older but still the sexy, caring, wonderful guy I love that broke my heart.

Her dad Robert is standing by the counter looking over papers and Victoria goes and stands by him.

"What is it you needed Victoria?" I ask standing there awkwardly while Jake keeps looking at me.

I look at Victoria and Robert so that way I don't start to cry looking at Jake.

"We found these papers of yours." She says waving them around but I don't know what they are. "You were pregnant with my sons child and you lost it?"

"Your just finding out about this now? so what it's not like I tried. It's not like you would care." I say looking her in the eyes.

"Of course I care you killed my grandchild! Why did you do it? What did you so drink to much and get to high?"

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