Teen mom - Chapter twenty three

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Jake's been gone for three weeks and school starts in two days.

We've talked on the phone a lot since he's been gone. More than texting and I like that because I can actually hear his voice.

I'm not looking forward to school, I mean obviously it's school. But it's my senior year and I want to enjoy it.

No drama this year. I've had enough of it for a life time.

"Hello, earth to Lexi." Morgan says waving her hand in front of my face.

"Yeah, what?" I ask coming back from blanking out.

"Ugh. What are we going to wear tomorrow?" He asks flopping down on her bed.

It's a tradition that we've been doing since freshman year that we wear matching outfits on the first day.

"Well shorts and a shirt obviously, I'm surprised it's this nice out still."

"Okay let's get shorts first so we can match the top to it."

We go through her clothes and my clothes that we've put in a pile that are matching.

We pick out dark ripped jean shorts from Hollister and a black shirt from cheerleading.

We're picking it out now because there's a party tonight the last one of the summer and we'll be to lazy to tomorrow.

We start getting ready since its 8:30pm and we need to get there sometime around 9.

I straighten my hair and put on some jean shorts with a tshirt while Morgan curled her hair and has on jean shorts with a tanktop.

We leave around 9:20 and I drive us to the party. I'm supposed to be the sober driver tonight well at least sober enough to drive.

The only bad part about the party is Dylan is hosting it. Yes Dylan as in my ex-boyfriend.

Hopefully there will be enough people I won't even have to see him.

Morgan and I go inside and there's a lot of people mostly seniors and juniors but there's a couple sophomores.

Everyone will some type of alcoholic drink in there hand.

I don't even like drinking that much I don't think I'm going to. Especially ever since the accident last time I was drinking and driving. Nope not happening again.

I go and smoke a little weed but that's it. I walk around pushing through people until I get outside in the back yard.

I bump into someone and go to say sorry but I see its Dylan so I don't say sorry but I keep walking.

"Hey," he shouts so I stop walking and he comes up to me.

He gets a little to close for comfort so I back up and he just gets closer.

He's buzzed I'd say because he's not sober but he isn't quite drunk.

"I've heard some stuff about you. Aren't doing to well are you?"

"I'm doing just fine. What do you want?" I ask leaning against the wall wanting to be done talking to him already.

Before I can even tell what he's doing his lips are pressed against mine and his hands are on either side of me.

I push him and stumbles a little bit but he's still hovering over me. He laughs and looks at me smirking.

"You aren't going to go yell rape now are you? Or are you going to yell abuse? Like any of that even happened. We all know you just made all that up for attention." He scoffs.

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