Teen mom - Chapter twnenty one

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I freaked out at work when some guy came in with a gun and wanted us to give him the money in the cash register.

I had a panic attack, anxiety attack, and everything else that could happen.

My mom thought I had PTSD so she made me go to a therapist and I don't. It's not that bad, but it's bad.

Summers coming to an end and Jake leaves in three weeks.

Knowing that I've been avoiding him and now I feel awful for being so distant.

Especially when he posts on facebook "feeling lost & confused..." When he doesn't go on social media that much.

I like his post and instead of texting him asking what's wrong I text him saying I'm sorry.

He sees my text and doesn't respond which makes me mad but I guess I deserve it.

After about twenty minutes I'm about to text him again but there's a knock on the front door and my moms at work so I get up to get it.

I'm turning the corner to get the door and all I see is an arm already coming in and nearly scream before I see its Jake.

"Damn it Jake!" I halfway yell.

"What?" He asks.

"You nearly gave me a heart attack."

I give him a hug something I've been needing for a while. "I thought the front door was locked."

"Nope and you were taking to long so I let myself in." He gives me a smug smile.

He sits down on my love seat and I sit across from him on the couch.

"Aren't you gonna sit by me?" He asks.

"I don't know I mean yeah but ugh."

I go and sit next to him leaning into him.

"Why do you feel lost and confused?" I ask interlocking our hands together.

"Because of you. Well us. I don't know, you've been ignoring me for over a week now. I feel like I didn't something wrong."

Tears come to the surface of my eyes but I push them back.

"That's the last thing I want you to think. You didn't do anything wrong. It's just I was putting up a wall, so it's not as bad when you gone. That way I won't miss you as much but it's not working."

"Don't you think I'm going to miss you? Because I'm going to. And you being more distant now isn't helping anything these are the last weeks we'll have to be together this much and your just ignoring me."

"I know, I'm sorry."

I lean into him and we just sit there for a while. Just being in each others presence is comforting.

"Promise me something." I say and twist around looking him in the eyes.


"Promise me you won't go to college and find someone better than me. And if you do you'll tell me."

"There isn't anyone better than you." He says before he kisses me.

"That's what you say now. But what about when you are a party and you just this beautiful girl that's obviously going to be all over you. Then what?"

"Then I'll tell them to back off and if they don't then I'll leave. Babe I promise you it's only you."

"I know I'm sorry it's just im worried this is the farthest we'll be away from each other."

"I'm worried too. What about when Morgan finally talks you back into going to parties and when guys hit on you and when they try to get with you?"

"They aren't going to do that."

"Trust me they will." I can feel him getting mad. "I know how drunk teenage guys are. They'll try to get with you even though they know your with me."

"Well they're not going to. It's not going to happen. I promise."

"I know I trust you. I don't trust other people."

My phone starts ringing and it's from my mom so I answer it and go upstairs to plug my phone in so it doesn't die while I talk to her.

"Hey I was just going to call you. Can Jake stay over tonight?" I ask.

"I suppose but I have something to tell you. The police office called me and they said your dads getting out of jail in a couple months for good behavior. He'll be on probation and there's a no contact order so he can't come near us it'll fine."

I don't know what to say so I don't say anything.

"Are you still there?" She asks after a while.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine. I'll talk to you about this later alright."

"Ok I'll be home soon love you bye."

"Love you bye." I say choking on the words before I can hang up tears start to fall.

I hang up and cry for a couple minutes before I wipe them away and go back downstairs.

I sit down on the love seat where we were sitting before and Jake comes back and sits done next to me with chips.

He eats a few chips before asking what's wrong.

"How can you tell?"

"I can tell you were crying and I can tell your moods changed."

"My mom called and told me my dads getting out in a couple months..."

Jake nods his head and just holds me. "It'll be alright." He says and kisses my head.

"I hope so." I say.


Sorry it's been so long since I've updated!

Hope you like this chapter! Don't forget to comment, vote and follow me!


- crazy_writer_2013

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