Teen mom - Chapter thirty two

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It's New Year's Eve and it's just Jake and I at our apartment.

He's drinking a little just a couple beers. I had to convince him it's alright to even though I won't be drinking.

The night goes fast but we stay up to watch the ball drop then I fall asleep leaning against Jake.

I wake up at 9 in the morning and the beds a little wet. I get up and go to the bathroom.

My waters leaking.

"Jake get up my waters leaking!" I say shaking him.

"What?! Let's go to the hospital! Cmon!" He says getting up running downstairs.

I laugh at him before grabbing him a shirt and the bag I have pre-packed.

He throws on the shirt quickly when I hand it to him and he grabs the bag from me, carrying it.

He brings me to the hospital and I start having contractions.

A hour and a half go by before they get bad and they say I need to start pushing.

"We're having a New Years baby!" Jake says smiling holding my hand.

Our beautiful baby boy is born at 12:00pm exactly at noon on New Years, what a gift.

He's beautiful and so small.

I'm the first one to hold him then Jake.

Jakes parents and Morgan are coming to see him tonight, the rest of his family's coming tomorrow, the doctors don't want to many people here right away.

I was lucky and didn't have any tearing or anything bad happen.

Victoria and Mark come in and hold Hunter. Morgan left a while ago after her last class so she should be here soon to see him.

Eventually after many pictures taken by Victoria everyone's seen and held Hunter and they leave to give me time to rest.

I did call and tell my mom earlier and tell her I was going into labor but she was at work I'm guessing because she didn't answer so I left her a voicemail.

It's seven and night now and only a hour left before visiting is over and my phone starts ringing.

It's my mom so I answer.

"What's your room number? I'm on my way to the hospital right now!" She says and I can tell she's in the car from the radio.

"Room 108, careful driving its bad out on the roads."

"Trust me I know I've seen three cars go in the ditch. I'll be there in ten minutes I was at work when you called. Gotta go it's icy out. Bye love you."

"Love you, bye." I say before hanging up.

"My moms coming to visit." I say to Jake putting my phone on the stand by the hospital bed I'm laying in.

"That's good." Jake says before the nurse comes in and asks if we need anything.

My mom arrives about ten minutes later and we make small talk and she holds Hunter.

Eventually she leaves and I fall asleep exhausted.

Jake sleeps in the chair next to me in the hospital room.

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