Teen mom - Chapter nineteen

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I wake up and everything's blurry but my vision comes clear and there's something warm and sticky on my head dripping down so I reach for it and feel it.

It's a to familiar feeling, blood. I can't move out of my car because the doors crushed inward and I hear people talking but before I can yell for help I everything goes black again.

I wake up again but this time I'm on a stretcher and I'm going into the hospital yet I feel fine.

I wonder how hard I was hit to have me keep passing out because I pass out again but this time and when I wake I'm in a hospital room.

I sit up and immediately wish I hadn't because the amount of pain I cause my ribs is almost unbearable.

I wince and take in my surroundings.
I'm in the ICU which is intensive care unit.

Jake is sitting in the chair next to me and stands up and holds my hand.
He's been crying a lot, it's obvious from his red puffy eyes that are still watery and tear stained cheeks.

"What's wrong?" I whisper as he sits down on the hospital bed next to me.

"Your in the hospital, you just got in a car crash and it's all because of me,"

"It's not because of you. And I'm fine aren't I?"

"You have four broken ribs on your left side and had to get staples in your head because of the impact,"

"What? How long was I unconscious?"

"Five hours. If I wouldn't of said all that shit or hurt you," he says and runs my arms which still has his hand shaped bruise. "You wouldn't of got hurt,"

"It's fine alright, don't blame it on you," I say.

He goes to say something but a police officer come in.

It's the lady officer who's worked all my cases so far.

"I know you just woke up but we only have one quick question. Do you want to press charges?" she asks.

"Press charges? To who?" I say now confused because wasn't i the one that created the crash?

"The woman hit you and caused the crash. She admitted to texting and driving,"

"No I don't want to press charges I'm fine, that's why we have insurance,"

"Alright well I hope you get better, I'll tell her you aren't pressing charges, have a good day." she says and leaves shutting the door.

I look at the clock on the wall and it's four in the morning.

"Does my mom know?" I ask Jake who's now sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Yeah she's down in the cafeteria right now I should probably go get her and tell her your up," he says and stands up.

I grab his arm before he walks away and wrap my arms around his neck and hug him.

I hug him for a while, probably to long but I've missed being close with him for a while.

"I love you. I'm so sorry," I whisper and he sits up and looks at me.

"I love you too, but don't be sorry," he says and kisses me lightly as if he kisses harder I'll break.

I turn and kiss him a little more harder but the way I twist to reach him better causes me to move the wrong way and a sharp pain in ribs.

I wince and turn back to sitting forward and Jake looks broken, that's a look I've never seen in Jake.

"I'm sorry baby," he says and holds my hand.

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