Teen mom - Chapter sixteen

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This week has went but pretty fast, it's Friday and nine o'clock I'm getting ready for the party.

I didn't tell jake I'm going to the party and I'd like to keep it that way, we don't need another argument.

Dylan didn't mess with me apparently Jake scared the living shit out of him.

I go over my eyeliner and keep my clothes, jeans, a weed tshirt, and socks. And I just run my flat iron over my hair one last time.

I put my coach shoes on and tell my mom I'm going to hangout with Morgan which isn't a lie since I'm picking her up and bringing her there.

I just have my phone in my pocket and go into the really crowded house with Morgan.

We both get a cup and fill it with a mix of everything and start drinking it.

The guy that told me to come to the party smiles and comes up to Morgan and I.

"I'm Luke," he says to Morgan.

"Morgan," she chirps happily and I want to remind her she's dating Adam but I don't want to be rude.

"Well Morgan Lexi want to follow me? You made it just in time," he says smiling and rubbing his hands together walking away.

I give her a questioning look but she just pushes past me and follows him grabbing his arm flirting.

I follow after and we go to the back outside which I'm guessing they're using to do drugs in since there's a bunch of people smoking a lot of different things.

Someone offers a joint to Morgan and she just nods her head no and I take it.

She looks at me wide-eyed and I take a few puffs and offer it to her and she shrugs a little and takes it.

I didn't even get high off it neither did Morgan I don't think but when someone passes something else around I don't catch the name.

Crack or coke or something but they say to try it and I think about it for a second or two.

"Why not?" I say and inhale the smoke.

But that's when everything goes bad.

It his girl walks out and starts talking but everything is so different I swear she's going to do something and I freak out and don't even realize what I'm doing till my hand connects with her face.

"Oh shit!" I hear Morgan yell.

I run through the house getting away and knock a bunch of stuff over and push into people not caring.

I run around outside yelling things at people. A cop shows up and everyone scatters into the house and leaving but I'm still outside.

"Are you alright?" she asks.

"Yeah I'm fine I have to go," I say turning around but end up doing a circle and I'm still standing by her.

She's the one prosecuting my rape case but she also did the case against my dad.

"Your obviously under the influence just go inside and I'll act like I never saw you," she says and walk back to her car.

I nod and she drives away and I trip and just lay on the ground watching everything spin until someone comes and pulls me up so I'm sitting up.

It's Jake.

"No what are you doing here?" I ask but I can feel the high fading away they said it'd be gone in a hour.

"I don't know if I can keep doing this," He says sitting down next to me.

No no no no he did not just say that.

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