Teen mom - Chapter seven

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Schools been difficult. It's been a weak but the cheerleaders still don't like me.

We put two tables together at lunch and the football players and cheerleaders sit together.

So the football players sit on there end and Morgan and I sit by them and the cheerleaders sit way down at the other end.

It's lunch time and it's Monday. I have a feeling something bad is going to happen. And not to me.

The cheerleaders specifically Heather keeps whispering and glancing at me. She makes sure to say "whore, slut, skank" loud enough for me to hear then laugh.

As I'm walking to the trash bin with my tray when I walk by Heather she says "whore" then laughs.

So I stop.

I'm standing in front of her and I give her a fake smile. I dump the spaghetti. apple sauce and everything else on my tray on her.

"Whoops I must've tripped." I say as she jumps up wiping it off her face.

I put the tray in the pile and she starts walking after me.

"Can I help you?" I say walking towards her.

"You bitch!" She shouts.

"No that's you."

She takes some of the spaghetti off her shirt and throws it at me. I'm thankful I'm wearing my clothes and not ruining Morgan's.

"Your a dumb bitch for doing that." I say and push her.

She comes at me tying to punch me but pulls my hair instead.

I turn and punch her in the face and I know it hurt because I punched her jaw and it hurt my hand.

She yells out infuriated and goes to punch me but right before anything can happen the principal come over.

"Stop it ladies!" she yells and now everyone's looking at us even the staff.

She takes us into her office and calls our parents and we have to explain our story.

I get three days of suspension and so does Heather.

My mom and dad came to pick me up. I was hoping just for my mom to come.

He swore at me in front of the principal and she was shocked she asked him not to and he swore at her and then grabbed my arm and dragged me out with my mom following.

In the car he yelled at me but I didn't suspect anything less.

He called me every rotten name and I just sat there with my eyes closed till the car stopped.

Now I'm stuck here in this house with him.

He's not as stupid as I thought. He parked in the garage so I couldn't just walk away.

He's not even drunk or smelling like alcohol which is scary because he's never hit me when he's sober before.

"You stupid little bitch! You make me look bad at school when I've done everything and gave you the best!" he shouts as soon as we get inside.

I sit on the couch and ignore him.

He shouts and throws something at the wall next to me.

"Stop it! You stop it right now and listen to me. You hit her or me one more time and I'm going to call the cops!" my mom screams at him.

"Really you'll call the cops you stupid?" he yells.

He goes cutting the house phone wire and grabbing my moms phone and puts it in his pocket.

Teen momWhere stories live. Discover now