Teen mom - Chapter twenty

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It's been three weeks since the car accident and ive had the staples out and my ribs are mostly healed. I'm going with Jake to the college he's attending, just to see what its going to be like.

It's obviously a nice exspensive college and he got accepeted with out hesitation i bet seeing his dad is friends with almost everyone thats important and incharge and he went there.

Jake stops at a gas station and puts gas in and brings me a blue gatorade, my favorite.

We've been driving for a half hour and he changes the station but my favorite song of the moment is on and i slap his hand away and go back to it.

"Thats my song!" I exlaim to him giving me a weird look for slapping his hand away.

"Your in charge of the radio, got it." He chuckles and i roll my eyes at him.

I look out the window and think about how hard and weird it will be not having Jake in the same town as me.

"What are you thinking about?" He asks putting his hand on mine rubbing his thumb against my hand.

"How weird it will be having you gone, not even in the same town."

He picks up my hand and kisses it like how you see on TV.

"It's going to be okay trust me." He says and puts my hand back down but keeps are hands interlocked.

"I know it will."

We get there and its only a hour and a half drive so its not that far away for when i come to visit him.

All the girls are so pretty, but thats not what bugs me the most, what bugs me is they all are paying to much attention to Jake.

I blow it off for Jake's sake.

"I'm so hapy i only have to be here a year and a half instead of two since i already have some credits." He says and we eneter the offifces were supposed to meet one of his dads friends.

Im suprised Jake's dad didnt come with but apprently he had businees which isn't suprisng. His parents have been gone basically this whole summer and i know it hurts Jake especially since he's leaving for college in a month and a half.

Every time i try to talk about Jake and how he feels he pushes it away and it isnt helping him, it's just making things worse. Same with Morgan it's hurting her too. Maybe they should tell their parents they could at least try to be home more.

We finish talking and it wasn't all up tight they were relaxed with Jake. They've obviously meet before.

We finish the meeting which has somehow turned into them talking about football around six and Jake and I go to a restaurant.

We go to a Mexican restaurant and share fajitas and by the time were done eating it's seven thirty and we'll get home around nine.

I start to doze off in the car with our hands interlocked. Something about the feeling of Jake and I close together comforts me and I fall asleep.

I wake up when he stops the car and were in his driveway which only has Morgan's car but the street is full of other cars. There's people outside and I can hear music all the way from inside.

I grab my purse and he locks his car and walks inside with me.

It's a party alright, we walk in and Morgan's yelling "shots" and there's people everywhere.

People either drinking, smoking, or dancing which is basically grinding on one another. There's barely enough room to get buy.

Jake goes and talks to Morgan and she's completely drunk so they argue and it makes Jake even more mad so he just walks away and takes me up to his room.

No one ever goes in his room no mater how drunk or stupid they are, everyone knows that they're supposed to stay downstairs.

Well that's not that case today because there's a heated make out session on the floor of jakes room and he looks like he's going to lose it.

They hear us open the door and see how pissed off Jake is and run.

Jake makes sure to slam his door- warning everyone to stay away.

I sit up on his bed against the headboard and he sits on the edge still mad. I know it's something else that's really bothering him.

"What's really brother you?" I ask and move and touch his arm.

"Nothing! Just leave me alone!" He shouts and gets up and goes to his bathroom shutting the door quiet loudly.

I sigh and grab my phone and get up and walk out of his room.

I go downstairs and the party seems to have even more people. I ignore it and go to the movie room.

They redid the furniture in here with a new couch and a smaller one to the side.

I sit on the smaller one and just sit there and think. What's bothering him so much?

I put a DVD in, making sure it's a scary one and start watching it.

I'm already a hour into it and Jake hasn't even bothered to try to talk to me.

Someone touches my arm and I nearly have a heart attack. I jump and turn to see who it was and its Jake.

"What are you doing in here?" He asks and slumps into the spot next to me.

"Leaving you alone like you want." I grumble and get up and start walking away.

I don't even get two steps away because he grabs my wrists and makes me sit back down.

"Stop it. Just listen okay." He grabs my hands and holds them in his and looks me in the eyes.

I nod and he takes a deep breath before beginning.

"I don't mean to push you away like I do it's just I don't know... I don't want to bother you with my problems and I know you can tell something's bothering me. It my parents they're never here and I miss them I really do and I'm leaving to college I won't be seeing them, Morgan, or you. It just hurts and I keep it inside till I bubble over like earlier. I'm sorry."

"Your not bothering me with your problems. You have no idea how much you've helped me through. I want to be able to help you when you need it. I love you."

"I love you babe, you know that." he says and kisses me.

"I still don't like this room." I say leaning into him.

"Why not?"

"Remember when we first started dating... what happened in here that Morgan and I saw?"

He looks confused but he remembers and his happiness fades.

"Still can't believe I was like that. How in the world did we go from that to this?" He asks smiling. "I'm sure glad we did though."

"Me too."


First off I want to say happy New Years!

It feels like I haven't updated in forever!

If you don't remember what it was that happened in the movie room, Morgan and Lexi saw Jake cheating on Lexi.


- crazy_writer_2013

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