Teen mom - Chapter five

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resolving the things with my parents didn't work. Well with my mom they didn't and they did with my dad too until he started drinking.

My mom kept on begging him not to hit me but he just continued too. She tried to stop him but he slapped her so hard across the face and she shut up.

I haven't left the house and it's been over a week. School already started back up but I can't go not how badly bruised and cut I am.

My mom don't do anything now. She just sits in the corner and keeps her head low.

I haven't been to school for the last three days and I hear my phone go off but my dad took it away.

He hits me with anything. Last night he picked up a vase and threw it at me but him being so intoxicated he missed and hit the wall.

That only made him more mad and he started pounding on me, kicking till he couldn't kick anymore.

He's gone right now and I'm going to see if I'll get my phone.

"Mom," I say walking slowly over to my mom on the couch. "I thought he was done with the alcohol."

"He said he was I don't know I can't stand this anymore it isn't right. I can't just leave we barley have enough money together just to get by."

"Do you know where my phone is? I'm going to leave I'm sorry... I think you should leave to but I don't even know where I'm going..." I say.

She gets up and brings back my phone and the charger with it.

"I'm fine trust me he wasn't ever like this before maybe he'll stop. Come back in a week please I'll miss you to much."

"I will. Will you call me in for the rest of the week so on Thursday and Friday?"

"Yes now go before he comes back." she says giving me a hug bye.

I go in my car and drive one of our 18 hour city parking lots.

I shut off my car noticing the fuel level on low and I don't know how much money I have.

I look at my phone and notice four missed calls from Morgan and one from Jake.

Also about thirty texts from Morgan. Most of them saying text me, why aren't you at school, are you mad at me and so on.

I also have a couple texts from Jake. It was just Morgan on his phone wanting to see if I'd reply to his phone.

It's three and school is just getting over and I see kids walking from there bus stops.

I text Morgan.

Me: Honestly just got phone couldn't text. Dad took it. Also haven't been in school because of well take a guess it was my dad again.

She instantly replied not shocking me at all were usually on our phone.

Morgan: Come over I miss you! Don't tell me your still at home with him?

Me: No I'm not going back... i don't know where I'll go now and okay be there in ten.

Morgan: might as well stay at my house & I know you don't like my parents because let's be honest there rude and they won't be here for the next month they went to Paris.

I sigh with relief I at least can stay there for a month.

I put my phone down and put it on the passenger seat so I don't text and drive.

I get to her house and park on the side of her car. Jakes car isn't outside so hopefully he isn't.

I'm still in the same clothes from a week ago and the all bloody and dirty. I need to shower too.

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