Teen mom - Chapter one

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I felt his eyes on me pouring into me while I slowly drink the mixture of vodka and redbull in the red solo cup.

I looked up and he immediately turned away walking and grabbing some random blonde girl and sucking on her neck.

Hes disgusting. Hes also my best friend Morgan's brother Jake. Lets just say Jake and I don't get along. He has gotten me expelled from school at least four times convincing the teachers I did it with his conniving ways.

Hes a jock and plays football but hes a senior and Morgan and I are juniors and were the only cheerleaders he hasn't slept with. I know that's one of the reasons he likes to torture me.

I was getting the sort of dizzy spinning feeling from the alcohol and I felt a hand slip over my waist.

I instantly turned around and bumped into Jake who had his hand around me spilling my drink over my shirt.

"Fuck. Watch out." I said moving past him heading towards the bathroom but before I could shut the door someone pushed it open.

Jake walked in and shut the door behind him locking it before pressing me up against it.

"Don't deny you don't want to..." He whispered into my hear before pressing his lips over my neck.

"I.. I don't." I stuttered feeling all kinds of tingles over my body. "Stop.."

"You know you want too..." He said pulling off my shirt leaving me in my tanktop with my jeans and boots.

He pulled off his shirt and slid his jeans down. I coudnt stop resisting the urge but I stopped after taking my boots off.

"Oh strip tease huh?" He said leaning in undoing my skinney jeans pulling them down before pulling off my tanktop.

I didn't know if I wanted to continue but I couldn't stop the urge my body was loving from his touch.

"We cant... I cant..." I barley got out.

"Do you want to or not?" He asks putting his arms on either side of me.

"Yes." I say taking off my tanktop.

It was quick and before I knew it he puled his pants on quick and threw his shirt on not even looking at me before walking out of the bathroom leaving me there after he just took my virginity not even caring.

I pulled my clothes back on and grabbed a water before leaving back to my house. I got inside and started going towards the kitchen and bumped into my dad which I instantly knew I would regret if he had been drinking too.

"Where the fuck where you? Huh?" My dad asks he had been drinking and I already knew what was going to happen.

He hit me right under my eye but my mom came down and stopped it like she usually does.

My dad is a good man it's just when he drinking that he gets violent. Other then that hes a nice and caring and always feels bad about what he did the night he was drinking before but never talks about it.

I went back upstairs into my room and passed out on my bed.

The next day I woke up to my phone going off from Morgan saying that she was wondering where I went since I was supposed to sleep over last night. I totally forgot about that after what happened between me and her brother.

I instantly felt bad for forgetting and texted her back that I could come over today and she replied with a yes so I got ready.

I put on black leggings that went above my ankle bone and a white tanktop with a pull over white hoodie. I put on socks and my Ugg boots while putting my hair into a fish tail braid to the side.

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