Teen mom - Chapter eight

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It's been a week exactly and Lexi still hasn't woke up.

They say she was hit so hard about an inch away from her temple so her body reacted like she was hit in the temple.

They say there's a great chance she won't wake up and there's a great chance that she should've died but she didn't.

My parents yell at me for visiting her so much. I haven't went to school three days and it's Thursday I only went yesterday to get my work.

It's four thirty and everyone talking it slowly get louder. But it's when Lexi started to mumble everyone in the room, Morgan, Carol (Lexi's mom), Mark (Lexi's dad), and me, become silent when Lexi starts mumbling.

She opens her eyes but moves her hand over them rubbing her eyes before moving her hands and looking at us.

"My head hurts why are you all staring at me?" she asks.

"You really are stupid." Mark says leaving the room.

Her nurse comes in and makes us leave so they can run tests.

After an hour of waiting to be let back in the room the nurse says only one person at a time maybe two but she wants to see me alone first.



I got brought up to date with everything. Why I went into coma and she kept asking what happened. I kept saying 'nothing'. I also have a cracked rib on my left side.

Its also Thursday I've been in a coma for week. I'm going to have so much school work to get done. I can't mess up my grades I'm a senior next year.

I ask the nurse to have Jake come in first to talk I've been wanting to see him.

I've showered, brushed my teeth, and got dressed. I didn't want to wear a gown and so she's letting me wear some sweatpants and a shirt.

Jake comes in and stands by me rubbing his hands together.

"How are you?" he asks sitting down on the chair next to the uncomfortable hospital bed.

"Happy to be awake. Slight headache I'm fine." I say moving the bed up so it's like I'm sitting in a chair and push myself up wincing from the pain to my ribs. "What about you why are you all nervous?"

"I can't do this. I can't sit here and pretend everything's ok. I cheated on you. I am sorry honestly I am. Heather was in my room and I... I cheated on you. She told me you cheated on me but I shouldn't of even believed her but I was mad from you not answering the phone and I did. I'm sorry."

"We're over then. I can't be with you if your going to cheat."

"I understand honestly you deserve better even though I want to be the only one with you. I think I'm going to go."

"Will you tell Morgan to come in?" I ask and he nods before leaving.

I realized something. When I woke up and all I wanted to do is be in his arms even though everything hurt I realized I love Jake. And now we're not together.

Morgan walks in shutting the door behind her. It's dark out even though it's only six at night.

She sits on the side of my bed and I start crying into her shoulder and she pulls me to her hugging me.

I'm leaning on my right side but my ribs still hurt from me crying.

"He told you didn't he?" she asks after I pull myself together.

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