Teen mom - Chapter twenty five

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It's been two weeks and my doctors appointment the other day confirmed my pregnancy.

My moms changed her mind and became more lenient. She's letting me stay two months after I have the baby but that's it.

Those 2 months are going to help a lot.

Jake's happy and seems ready for a kid and that's all I could ask for. He'll finish college around the time I deliver.

About two more months and I'll be able to find out the gender. Jake's hoping for a boy to play catch with and teach him about football and I don't care if I have a boy or girl I just want him/her already.

My phone goes off so I feel around me on my bed till I find it.

I unlock my phone and look at the text from an unknown number.

Heard your pregnant. Didn't you learn the first time? Want me to help out out again?

I know my dads out but he's not allowed to contact me we have a restraining order.

I screen shot it and send it to Jake saying I think it's my dad and he tells me to lock my bedroom door he'll be here in ten minutes.

My moms gone so I text her the screen shot too and she tells me I'm over exaggerating and not to worry.

I don't get why she's so rude to me lately. I mean I'm pregnant but I finished high school, I don't get why she can't be happy I finished high school before getting pregnant.

It's not like I planned getting pregnant but it's what happened and I'm going to have to deal with it.

Someone knocking on my bedroom door breaks me out of my thoughts.

"Babe open the door." Jake says while I start getting off my bed.

I open it and immediately get wrapped in a hug.

"You okay?" He asks.

"I'm fine I just wasn't expecting that or him to know. How did he find out?"

"I have no idea but trust me when I say i will protect you I mean it I won't let nothing happen to you." he says.

He sits on my bed and I end up leaning against him.

I sit up criss-crossed and look at my socks.

"I won't let it happen this time. If he tries to do something I won't let it happen. Not again."

"Nothing's going to happen. Move into an apartment with me. My parents own some in town and we can live their if you want. He won't know where you are then and nothing will happen." He says rubbing my hand with his thumb.

"Really?" I ask.

That would help so much I'd be able to know I'm safe and secure especially with Jake.

"If you want." he says smiling wrapping his arms around me.

"I would love that." I say kissing him leaning into him.

"I'll talk to my dad about that tonight you want to stay over?" He asks since it's going on nine at night.

"Yeah I don't want to stay her alone or even with my mom she's being so rude lately."

"Let's go then." He says grabbing my hand helping me up even though I don't need it.

I'm in sweats and a tshirt so I'm good.

I grab my phone, keys and purse. I lock the front door after us.

We get into Jake's car and he goes to start it when my mom pulls in the driveway.

But it isn't just my mom who gets out my dad does too?

"What?" I ask aloud.

They go inside like a perfect couple coming back from the perfect date.

Jake unbuckles his seat belt and starts to get out.

"You don't even want to know what I'll do to him." He says going to reach for the door handle to get out.

"Jake, no! Let's just go please it's not worth it." I say grabbing his arm.

He stops and buckles again before backing out of my driveway going to bus house.

He's going the long way to his house and hasn't said anything since my driveway and it's been like five minutes.

I can't tell if that's good or not.

He puts his hand on my leg and looks at me for a while before looking back at the road.

"You okay?" He asks.

"No..." I say being honest.

"It'll be ok. Are they back together now or something?" He asks.

"I have no idea. Shes been telling me a lot lately to forgive him and move on and to even let him back in my life. I should've figured she went back to him."

"You don't have to forgive him or let him back in your life. What he did was unacceptable and he's should still be rotting in prison he shouldn't be out not for what he did to you or your mom, I don't get how she's suddenly forgot all that and forgave him." he says turning into his driveway.

"I'm not going to. I'm not going to go through all that again. She can go back to him I guess but I'm not, I'm not putting myself through any more."

He shuts his car off and we go inside.

I say hi to his parents quickly but we go to his room.

What's happened the last hour has made me want to sleep and forget about it.

I lay on Jake's bed and his arms wrap around me. I fall asleep to him saying I love you and me saying it back.


It's summer for me now! No more school! Which also means I'll update more now!

Hope everyone enjoys their summer!


- crazy_writer_2013

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