Teen mom - Chapter fourteen

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I wake up to Jake staring at me with his arms wrapped around me. As soon as I look at Jake he smiles at me.

"What?" i ask smiling since hes smiling.

"Your so peaceful and beautiful when you sleep." He says leaning his head against me pressing his forehead to mine.

I blush automatically from his compliment and press my lips to his kissing him slowly.

"You deserve an award you know that." I say when we break apart.

"For what?" He asks.

"For dealing with me."

"You are my reward." He says leaning down smiling before he kisses me.

We lay in bed just talking and cuddling, mostly cuddling.

We're interrupted in our peacefulness by my phone going off on the bed side table.

i reach over and grab it and see it's my mom.

I answer it and it's basically my mom angry with me for being gone all night apparently she though when i told her i was coming up here with Jake she thought i was joking.

She wants me home as soon as possible and i just agree before we say goodbye and Jake looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Should we leave?" He asks and I'm guessing he heard her.

"Not now its perfect right now." I say leaning into his chest and wrapping my arms around him getting more close if even possible.

"Yes this is perfect." He says kissing my forehead and wrapping his arms around me.

After of what id say is a hour Jake convinces me to get up and get dressed were going back home because he wants my mom to trust him and still like him.

By the time we're done getting ready, eating, and packing everything back up its already five at night so we don't get back into town till six.

"Want me to come in with you?" He asks handing me my bag.

"No I'm fine i need to talk with her and explain some things. I want you to enjoy spring break okay? You don't need to come over every day i want you to be with your friends and family enjoy it! Ill text you or call you alright." I say.

"Lexi i enjoy being with you." He says.

"Well it's not fair of me to just steal you away your usually with your family or friends so go be with them ill be alright." I say giving him a small smile.

"Text me or call me." He says kissing me slowly.

"I will, love you."

"Love you too." He says and lets go of my hand and walks to his car.

I watch him drive away before i take a deep breath and unlock the door walking inside.

I lock it after i come in and set my bag down in the entry way.

I'm surprised the house is clean and back to the way it usually is.

"Lexi is that you?" My mom calls from the kitchen.

"Yeah." I say taking out my phone and going on it sitting at the stool at the bar in the kitchen.

"Your grounded! You skipped three days of school and didn't come home last night! What were you thinking?" She yells at me already.

"I just walked through the door and your already yelling at me?" I somewhat yell back.

"Well i have a good reason to!"

Teen momWhere stories live. Discover now