Teen mom - Chapter twenty four

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6 months later

So far this schools year has went by really fast. There's only about three months left.

Tonight's Jake's birthday, and it's Friday so he's coming down and staying the weekend at his house.

They're going to have a little party for him so I have to start getting ready.

I go over my hair with my straightener and throw on some leggings and a grey Nike sweatshirt with my coach shoes.

I grab my purse before heading out the door to Morgan and Jake's.

I drive and get there right when Jake's pulling up.

He comes over and kisses me.

"Happy birthday!" I say when we break apart.

"Thanks," he says and smiles.

We walk in with his arm around me and his mom comes up and hugs him.

Everything's good. Everything's great actually.

Jake, Morgan, their parents, and Jake's best friend Sam and I are all eating dinner which is lasagna.

Eventually the small talk ends and we finish dinner so Sam leaves but it surprises me his parents and Morgan also leave.

It's around 9pm and Jake leads me to his room.

"Why'd they all leave?" I ask laying down on his bed.

"I asked them to give us some time alone." He smiles crawling over me and laying down right next to me.

"Oh did ya now." I smile and press my lips against his.


Graduation day - 2 months later

I've been waiting for this moment since the beginning of high school. To finally be done and out of this place.

Well today's the day.

I wait in my row in the same blue gown as everyone else waiting for the people in front of me to get called so I can go up there and get my handshake and diploma.

"Lexi Miller!" My principal says and I look up and start walking. I walk up there smiling and shake his hand before getting my diploma and walking off.

I go to my mom and get engulfed in a hug.

After everyone's done and it's time to leave we start going home.

We walk inside but when I flip on the lights and people jump out and yell "Congratulations!" I nearly jump three feet of the ground.

It's some of my moms friends, the cheerleading squad, Morgan of course, her parents, and Jake?

I make my way around thanking everyone and hug Jake when I finally get to him.

"What are you doing here? Don't you have tomorrow then your done?" I ask Jake.

"Nope we got done yesterday but I wanted to surprise you." He says before he kisses me.

I notice Morgan going to my room so I follow her up and ask what's wrong.

She plops on my bed and lays with her hands on her stomach.

"Your so lucky you don't have your period right now." She says like she's dying.

I laugh at her and bring her some Ibuprofen.

I think back to the last time I had mine and I don't recall getting it this month or past month.

I don't remember having it since the last time Jake and I had sex which was his birthday so two months ago.

"What's wrong?" She asks.

"Nothing, nothing I thought I forgot something." I make up some excuse.

I don't want to say anything in case I'm not pregnant, but I need to figure out if I am or not.

Morgan's still on my bed so I change into shorts and tshirt in my closet and come out.

"I'm going to go run and get something to drink you want something?" I ask her.

"Whatever you get." She says following me downstairs.

"Everyone's here so I'll make it quick." I say and leave after telling them i'd be back in ten.

I drive to the closest drug store and pick up a a pregnancy test and two gatorades.

Everyone's eating now at my house so I go to the bathroom without anyone asking.

Waiting ten minutes in the bathroom until the test shows the results seems like it takes eternity.

When the ten minutes is up I close my eyes and look at it.


"Great." I mumble and hide the stick and packaging in my purse and bring it to my room.

I bring Morgan her Gatorade and join everyone in eating the subs.

Everyone eats and I get cards with money. Eventually people start to leave till it's just Morgan, Jake, and my mom.

Contemplating who to tell first and when to tell them i just blurt it out when we're all in the living room watching tv.

"I'm pregnant." I say and their heads turn away from the tv and towards me.

They just look at me with an unreadable expression like did I really just say that.

"I'm pregnant." I repeat.

"Yes I get to be an auntie!" Morgan says rather enthusiastically compared to my mom.

"Your ruining your life. Your supposed to go to college not have kids." My mom mutters before getting up and going to her room slamming the door.

Jake hasn't spoke but I see a smile spread across his face and he wraps his arms around me.

"Really?" He asks smiling.

"Really." I say and kiss him.

"I'm so excited for you guys!" Morgan says making us break apart.

"You guys should probably go especially if she's mad." I say.

They both groan but agree and leave.

I go to my room and stay in there not wanting to bother my mom.

My mom opens my door and looks at me like I'm dirt.

"You can stay here for your 9 months but once the baby comes your moving out." She says before slamming my door.

She wasn't even upset the first time so whys she so mad now?


Took forever to update I know I'm sorry! I'll try to update soon!


- crazy_writer_2013

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