Teen mom - Chapter twelve

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I haven't slept the last two days or ate anything. It's Friday six in the morning.

My mom doesn't know what happened so therefore she's still getting drunk and throwing parties without a clue what happened to her daughter two days ago.

I've been ignoring Jake so he doesn't have to see me like the mess I am. I'm going to school just to get my work since it'll be spring break and I'll catch up.

My mom throwing parties actually is helping because all I have to do is go downstairs and get whatever I need to get it off my mind.

I'm not proud to say it but the only thing keeping me somewhat sane is drugs and Jake.

I've been drinking monster and taking these pills some girl from the party yesterday said would keep me awake.

I've been smoking weed and that keeps it off my mind and relaxes me for the time being.

I crack open a monster and take one of the pills and plug my flat iron in.

I straighten my hair and do my makeup, black liquid eyeliner on the top lid and mascara.

I have dark circles under my eyes from not sleeping but I'm not going to cover them up I don't like wearing cover up or foundation.

I decide I have some time left and I smoke to calm my nerves and then brush my teeth and spray perfume on so I don't smell like weed.

I grab my backpack and purse before finishing my monster throwing it away and driving to school just getting there on time.

I go to my locker and I feel like people are staring. Maybe I'm just being paranoid. I have clothes on right?

I look down and I'm still wearing my jeans, white and blue long sleeve t-shirt that only goes to your elbows, socks and my coach shoes.

I brush it off well try to and grab my books and go to class.

I can tell when I'm zoned out of the first ten minutes of class that this is going to be a long day.

Finally the last hour of school comes and it's my study hall so basically a free hour.

I'm putting my homework in my backpack so basically everything and going to the library to "study".

It's when I'm pushed into the wall on my way there I start to panic.

It's Dylan my ex boyfriend before I started dating Jake.

He puts his arms on either side of me keeping me where I am.

"Why do you look so bad? still heart broken about our breakup? We can get back together if you want." He says smirking.

"No thanks." I say and push his arm down and try to walk away.

That don't work and he grabs my arm and pushes me back into the wall.

"Excuse me? Did you just reject me?" he says gripping my arm tighter and tighter.

"Yes I did. I have a boyfriend and even if I didn't I wouldn't go back to you. Now let go of my fucking arm." I say trying to yank my arm out of his grip.

"Why don't you drop the attitude and never talk to me like that again. I mean you can basically smell the weed off you and I would just have to tell my dad I saw you smoking and you'd get expelled."

"Go ahead like they'd believe you or your dad. And this isn't an attitude it's my personality. Let me the fuck go." I say ripping my arm out of his grip and walking into a teacher.

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