Teen mom - Chapter eighteen

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"TEN. NINE. EIGHT. SEVEN. SIX. FIVE. FOUR. THEEE. TWO. ONE!" Everyone shouts before grabbing there backpacks and pushing past each other.

I get outside and everyone basically running to there cars excited to get back into the summer schedule of partying and staying up late.

I start my car and drive home but stop at Kwik Trip on my way back and put twenty dollars in gas and get a coffee.

I drink the coffee and bring my stuff inside but sit down for only a hour before I go to work.

I've been working as much as possible basically since I stopped drugs and everything.

I work to keep my mind of things and to help save up money.

Work seems to go on slower and slower because it's officially summer.

I get off work at eight-closing and get into my car before looking at my notifications.

Morgan and Jake texted me saying come over they're having a first day of summer party and there parents aren't there for the next two days.

I text them and tell them I will after going home to change.

It feels like spring still and I keep my jeans on and put on a different tshirt.

I put my hair down and go over it with my straightener before I tell my mom I'll be at Morgan's.

She agrees and I drive there, it now being 9:30 there's a lot of people and mostly everyone's drunk already.

I push my way threw people and go to find Morgan or Jake but can't find either.

I go upstairs to Morgan's room but it's occupied by people getting it on so go to Jake's.

He wouldn't let no one in his room I know that so I hope he's in here.

He isn't in his room so I shut his door going back into the hallway bumping right into someone.

"Sorry." I say before even looking up to see who it is.

It's Jake, he smiles a little and chuckles.

"You made it," he says and leans against the wall.

He smells of cheap beer and vodka, he isnt drunk but pretty close.

He must've had a lot to drink already seeing how he is.

"Yeah," I say and lean against the other wall facing him.

"Let's go down stairs and get you something to drink,"

I nod and follow him, i dont have to worry about work i dont work tomorrow.

By the time i get into the kitchen where Jake is he's already taking shots with some guy, but not just some guys its Dylan. Well thats weird seeing them together and not one laying on the floor in pain.

I get into the kitchen and grab something to drink but i just get a water i dont really want to be drunk right now.

Seems like a bit of people moved into there garage so i go to see what its all about and its people smoking pot.

I don't want to argue with Jake and i dont even want to smoke right now so i go to go back inside but Jake opens the door and looks mad.

"Were you doing shit again?" He almost yells.

"No! I came out here to see why everyone was out here and saw they were smoking and was coming back inside,"

"Blake, she smoke at all?" Jake yells out to his friend sitting smoking in the garage.

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