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Layla sat on her bed as she stuffed her face with candy while watching horror movies

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Layla sat on her bed as she stuffed her face with candy while watching horror movies. That's how she planned to spend her Halloween. Indoors, in the comfort of her own bed eating all the candy she could ask her. Maverick didn't really care about the horror movie issue, however he did care about the candy.

"The last time I let you stuff your face with candy you came out with two cavities, you're cutting down this year," Maverick said taking most of the pile on the Carter girls bed. "Dad! What the hell! Those are my favorites!" Layla whined trying to grab the Skittles. Maverick slapped her hand away as if she was a small child.

"Take them, you little savage." Maverick threw some of the skittles on the bed. Layla smirked and opened another pack.

"This is what you're doing? Staying at home eating candy?" Maverick asked in disbelief. "Yeah, it's what I do every year. What about it?"

"Y-You don't wanna do something more fun? Like go to a high school dance perhaps?" Maverick teased. Layla's head shot up. "How'd you know about the dance?"

"School emailed asking for a chaperone. I won't do it if it embarrasses you."

"Well I wouldn't want teenage girls swooning over my dad so, I think I'm good. And about the dance, I don't wanna go." Layla answered. Maverick sat on the bed next to her. "Why not?" Layla sighed. She didn't wanna go because she had the perfect costume stuffed deep in her closet, she just was scared she was going to get made fun of for it. Layla was a die hard glee fan. She binge watched the whole show on under a month and then watched it over and over again until her dad got tired of hearing Rachel Berry sing and shut off the tv. Layla still secretly watched it on her phone whenever she was on the verge of a mental breakdown. It was her comfort show. She wanted to go as a cheerio, but then held the costume up to her body and realized she was definitely going to get made fun of.

"I'm just not feeling it,dad." Layla said putting a handful of skittles in her mouth. "You sure it ain't something else Lay?" Layla shook her head and leaned against her head board. "Fine! You caught me! I don't wanna go because I'm scared. Scared people are gonna think I look weird or ugly or bad on general! I just got friends, and I don't want them to agree with the people calling me ugly." Maverick shook his head.

"Layla, stop calling yourself ugly. You're fine just the way you are. These high school kids don't know what an amazing and funny person you are. You gotta put yourself out there, Lay." Maverick soothed. Layla nodded.

"When's the date of the dance again?"

Counselor Blatt was making a speech at lunch. Layla wasn't really paying attention but when miguel nudged her signaling for her to pay attention she rolled her eyes and put down her phone to face the woman.

"Cyber bullying is no laughing matter. Sending a cruel message to someone online can be just as hurtful as saying to their face. I'm not gonna name names, but the other day a mother called me up because her son was crying after some kids online made fun of his facial deformity." Layla scoffed as she watched all the kids in a cafeteria look towards Eli.

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