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Layla stood beside Sam as they were at some little kids birthday party

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Layla stood beside Sam as they were at some little kids birthday party. While Sam looked like she would rather be anywhere else, Layla was having the time of her life. She was playing around with some of the little kids and was getting one of those tattoos you can wash off with water in a few hours.

"Did I really have to come here?" Sam asked Amanda.

"Uh, Sheila's worked for us for ten years. She's practically family. Anyways you used to love to babysit Cindee. Oh hi! Plus, your girlfriend looks like she's having a lot of fun." Amanda nodded her head towards Layla who was laughing with a bunch of little kids. Once she noticed Amanda and Sam looking at her she waved causing the two of them to wave back.

"This is just the last place I'd like to be spending my Saturday." Sam commented crossing her arms over her chest.

"A lot of people have it worse than you."

A performance was happening at the moment causing Layla to turn her head and watch it. But the last thing she was expecting was to see Tory in the crowd. The girl was trying to keep it together but looked miserable on the inside. Layla frowned and noticed how Sam thought the situation was hilarious.

Layla didn't like Tory, but then again she had some small compassion for what she's been through. Still, she did try to hurt her girlfriend multiple times so there's also that.

After the performance Layla sat next to Sam as she was teasing Tory as she tried to tell a story to the little kids.

"Sam." Layla warned. She didn't like where this was going. Sam was trying to provoke Tory when Tory was minding her own business.

"Oh is that the princess who tried to kill my girlfriend?" Sam asked causing Laylas eyes to widen. She hated whenever someone brought up her name, and Tory could sense how uncomfortable Layla was becoming. Sam continued to be rude and interrupt Tory's story until she finally left. However Layla sat sitting there looking down.

"I think you should go to." Tory spoke.


"Your girlfriends ruining my job. How can you sit there and watch it happen?"

"Of course not. She's being petty. But we can't sit here and pretend like you didn't do anything to cause this." Layla replied. She was trying to see both sides of the argument so no one would think Layla was being bias.

"Yeah. Whatever. We both know deep down, you think LaRusso's in the wrong. You just don't want her to cry."

"Shut up tory." Layla snapped getting way more angry then she was a few moments ago. Tory scoffed and walked off, leaving Layla alone. This wasn't fair. All she wanted to do was have a good weekend but she couldn't even do that because of the karate war.

Just as Layla was about to walk off to find Sam she noticed how glitter covered Sam's entire body. Layla spun around to see Tory blowing a kiss at her.

"Can you believe her?" Sam exclaimed. Layla bit her lip and shook her head.

𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐆|𝐂𝐎𝐁𝐑𝐀 𝐊𝐀𝐈Where stories live. Discover now