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Layla could not believe this was happening

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Layla could not believe this was happening. It was her break before she faced off against her girlfriend. She wished she could switch out and not fight her, but both Leilani and Devon lost. Even if they didn't, it would be impossible to switch. So now she stood in front of her dad on the sideline as she was breathing heavily.

"I don't know if I can do this." She muttered glancing at sam who wore the same uneasy and uncomfortable expression. Maverick placed his hand on her shoulder.

"You got this. Just imagine it's someone else. Like Tory or Bella."

"That's gonna make me wanna hurt her though."

"I-I really don't know what to say. Personally I've never been put in a position like this so I can only imagine how messed up this is." Maverick mentioned and Layla just nodded. She wanted to win, but at what cost? Things being tense? Jealousy? Potential breakup? All of the possibilities flooded through her head making Layla dizzy.

"Easy there champ. Come on, three points and then it'll be all over. Win or lose, I'll be proud of you no matter what." Layla grinned and nodded at that.

"Thanks dad."

"Anytime. Now get on that mat and kick some ass!" The two did a high ten before Layla took a deep breath. This was really happening. Win or lose this was actually happening.

"Competitors, take your spots on the mat. Alright folks, we got ourselves a tough match tonight. These two ladies have proved themselves tonight and it'll all show during this match! On Eagle Fang, we have Layla Carter who can still kick ass after her horrible injury last year. And on Miyagi Do, we have Samantha LaRusso who is coached by two time All Valley champion, Daniel LaRusso!"

"We literally already went over this already." Layla mumbled as she faced Sam on the mat. Sam shot her a small sme which Layla returned.

"Face this way. Bow." Layla and Sam bowed at the ref before facing each other.

"Face each other. Bow." Layla and sam faced each other before bowing. Laylas heart was pounding out of her chest as well the ref announced the fight was on. Layla threw a kick towards sam which sam blocked and tried throwing one of her own.

"Point! LaRusso!"

Oh shit.

This was getting bad. Layla knew that if sam scored two more it was game over. And she had made it to the finals this year. She wasn't giving it up that easy. Layla took note of all the defense sam was using, so she decided to use her own moves against her. She used the wax on and off techniques and finished it off with a kick to the face.

"Point! Carter!" Layla backed up and gave Sam a second to regroup. Sam held her face and stared at Layla in shock. Layla had to admit she felt bad, but she also desperately wanted to win the right way and not play dirty.

"All right carter, listen up. Miyagi Do is all about that defense bullshit. So you know what you gotta do. Use as much offense as possible and put them on defense. You get it?" Johnny asked and Layla nodded.

𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐆|𝐂𝐎𝐁𝐑𝐀 𝐊𝐀𝐈Where stories live. Discover now