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Layla felt stupid

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Layla felt stupid.

Stupid because she thought she could trust Sam enough to not do anything dumb. Like start a fight and get Demetri's arm broken. Layla had been to his house to check up on how he was doing, and even signed his cast once adding a little heart at the end.

At the end of the day Layla couldn't entirely blame Sam for what went down, since panic attacks were serious and Sam could've been seriously hurt if she was caught by Tory.

Layla also felt dumb because she got involved in the fight knowing there was really nothing she could do. Brain damage was still there, so one wrong move and Layla could've had a seizure or worse, died. Maverick was right. She should've stayed with sensei and none of this would've ever happened. Well, not all of it. The fight would've still happened, but Layla wouldn't have been there.

And Leilani.

Layla felt the most stupid here because she thought Leilani still had a chance at redemption.

But no.

She stood there while Demetri was screaming in with his arm broken. She pretended to care at the end, not before being dragged off by that psycho Tory and Hawk.

The fact those two used to be her friends says a lot of how things can change in the blink of an eye.

"Layla, you can't still be stressing about this. What went down wasn't your fault." Maverick entered Laylas room and sat down at the corner of her bed, talking to her.

"I-If I had more t-time to talk to l-Leilani-"

"Leilani made her choice that day. She's on their side, and there's pretty much nothing you can do."

There was something Layla could've done. Five more seconds. That's all Layla needed to try and convince Leilani there was still a path to redemption.

"I'm bored." Layla whined.

"Well what am I supposed to do about that?"

"T-Tell me a story f-from high school." Maverick let out a laugh at that. When Layla was little Maverick used to tell her stories from high school all the time about his three best friends Dante, Max, and Kailee to try to get her a fall asleep. It worked every time.

"I thought you grew out of that."


"Alright, alright. This was around a week after Bianca was pregnant. I was going to tell my best friends what was going on. When I told them, Dante and Max had this entire argument about who was going to be the better uncle. It was hilarious. You don't know how many times I had to yell at them to shut up." Layla laughed at that. Uncle Dante and Max haven't been around in years ever since they moved to Philly, but they promised they would visit around Christmas time. Which was coming up in a few weeks, leaving Layla as excited as ever.

𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐆|𝐂𝐎𝐁𝐑𝐀 𝐊𝐀𝐈Where stories live. Discover now