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(this chapter will be from leilanis point of view, but small snippets of sam and layla will be mentioned!)

(this chapter will be from leilanis point of view, but small snippets of sam and layla will be mentioned!)

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Leilani stood in front of the abandoned warehouse, cracking her neck. Ever since her talk with Demetri Leilani was determined to get back on track no matter the costs. She wanted to be the fun sarcastic girl she used to be, not the scared and timid one who can barely move without getting flashbacks of that day.

Plus, she needed to clear her head of all the anger she felt. Her mom had the nerve to show up to Laylas house and try and play the victim yet again. It sent an indescribable rage through her body and if she didn't work it out serious shit could happen. So she walked inside the warehouse, watching as all eyes fell on her.

"Leilani?" Layla questioned furrowing her brows. She stood talking with some girl who looked like she could be in middle school.

"Did you guys miss me?" She smirked and Miguel let out a laugh before running over and picking her up in a hug. Leilani giggled before wrapping her arms around his neck and being set down by Miguel.

"Good to have you back Davis. You feeling better? Carter told me you were out of it for the last couple of days."

"Back and better then ever sensei." She stated confidently causing Sensei to smirk and pat her back.

"That's the spirit! I want you to meet someone. Davis, this is Devon Lee. Our potential female champion."

"You got another girl?" Leilani questioned, feeling a pang of jealousy. She thought her and Layla were enough of a team, so having someone else come in was confusing to say the least.

"Yeah. Carter you moron, I told you to tell her." Sensei exclaimed to Layla who's jaw dropped.

"Leave me alone! I had more important things at hand." She snapped causing Leilani to giggle. If there was one thing she missed it was the petty arguments between Layla and Sensei Lawrence. Layla let out a loud groan trying to drown out Sensei Lawrence.

"All right everyone fall in! We have a new member joining us today. This is Devon Lee, our potential female champion." Sensei stated and Leilani nodded, already sort of taking a liking to this girl.

"Hi. My pronouns are she/her." Devon introduced. Johnny turned towards Devon with a crazy look.

"The only pronouns we accept in this dojo are sensei and student."

"Those are nouns." Devon sassed causing Leilani to snort.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I think what I meant to say is quiet!"

"That's an imperative."

"Get in line." Devon moved to stand next to Leilani who sent her a small smile. Devon sent her one in return and they faced forward.

"Todays lesson is about cheating. At Eagle Fang Karate, we don't believe in fighting dirty. Cobra Kai doesn't follow the same rules. So we have to be ready for any dirty trick they throw at us."

𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐆|𝐂𝐎𝐁𝐑𝐀 𝐊𝐀𝐈Where stories live. Discover now