𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗱 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝗻𝗮𝗸𝗲

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It took Layla months, but she finally realized her and Bella had lots in common

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It took Layla months, but she finally realized her and Bella had lots in common. Both was missing key parental figures in their lives, both lived in poverty for most of their lives, and both of them used karate as an outlet. But that was where the differences come in. Layla knew her limit with karate, and that she never meant to use it for bad intentions. Bella was the opposite. Bella knew exactly what she was doing and why she took karate. But things were starting to change. For starters, the two could now be in the same room without getting into a fist fight.

Bella's grandmother was also an absolute gem, constantly pointing at cookies and touching Laylas hair.

"She wants to know what your favorite color is." Bella was practically a human translator at this point which Layla was grateful for.

"Oh uh.......black? I'm always wearing black." Layla shrugged. Bella moved her fingers like the speed of lightning, which made Laylas eyes widen each time.

"How do you manage to do that so fast?"

Bella chuckled. "Lots of YouTube and staying up all night. Finally mastered it a couple of months ago. I could teach you if you want?"

"Yeah. I would like that." Layla replied. Bella's grandmother had started to grab strands of Laylas hair once more making her smile.

"She really likes your curls." Bella mentioned. Layla just smiled at her grandmother and placed her hand over hers. A couple minutes later Bella was in the process of teaching Layla the alphabet when her phone went off. It was a text from Sam, telling her to meet her at Miguel's place. And to bring Bella for some reason.

"Whats up?" Bella asked, already sensing something was wrong.

"We gotta go."

"Now? It's the middle of the night. I can't leave Nana here by herself."

"It shouldn't take that long. I'll drop you off when all this is over. Come on."

Bella was hesitant, however she kissed her grandmothers forehead and grabbed a hoodie before making her way out of her apartment.

At Miguel's place, there stood Robby, Miguel, Demetri, and Leilani.

"Woah. What's she doing here?" Demetri demanded, placing an arm out in front of Leilani and taking a step back. Bella glanced at Layla, pretty much wanting her to take the charge.

Layla sighed. "She's here to help. Plus, Sam texted saying she wanted Bella here. Don't exactly know the reason."

"I know an apology isn't enough to answer for what I've done. To all of you. But I truly do wanna make things right. I'm not even in Cobra Kai anymore. I quit last week." Bella added on. Layla raised a brow at this. Bella never mentioned quitting Cobra Kai at all. But she ignored it however, instead taking notice of how Leilani was in pajamas.

"Do I even wanna know?"

"It's the middle of the night. After ten, don't expect me in anything else but pajamas." Leilani shrugged. Layla rolled her eyes and rubbed her forehead. Classic Leilani.

𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐆|𝐂𝐎𝐁𝐑𝐀 𝐊𝐀𝐈Where stories live. Discover now