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(sad chapter grab your tissues y'all)

(sad chapter grab your tissues y'all)

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Maverick Carter was a hot mess. It had been about two weeks since his daughter had went into a coma, and he didn't know what to do. The house seemed so quiet.

To quiet.

He was used to hearing the tv blast the fresh prince of bel air. He was used to hearing her rant about Sam and how much she loved her. Now it just seemed empty.

Maverick couldn't stop crying. No matter how much he told himself things were going to be ok, he always felt like he was lying to himself.

Leilani went back to live with her mom, since Bianca went on a rampage about how it was all Laylas fault for dating Sam. To her, if she never dated Sam, none of this would've ever happened. That pissed Maverick off and the two got into a heated argument. Leilani tried to do everything in her power to stay with Maverick but no matter what she did her mom kept on saying no.

Johnny went back into drinking a few days after the teens fell into a coma. That kinda sucked, since Johnny was supposed to be Mavericks moral support. He occasionally saw him stumbling into his apartment.

And Carmen and her mom. They turned into Mavericks moral support, and they would go see their kids in the hospital together. But Maverick always felt sick to his stomach when he saw Layla connected to all those wires and tubes. To think, at any moment she would stop breathing and flatline, kept Maverick up at night. He would be by her side 24/7 if it wasn't for those goddamn visiting hours.

Daniel understood the pain Maverick was going through right now and told him to take as much time as he needed to get back on track.

The problem was Maverick didn't know how much time that would be. The doctors were telling him that it was only a matter of time before Layla woke up again, and to just have faith.

Faith went out the window a long time ago.

Fast forward to today, the school was holding some meeting about the events that took place there. Maverick went only because he also wanted to know what the fuck happened. He walked inside the school to see Daniel and Amanda talking about something. He simply ignored them and walked inside the auditorium taking a seat in the back. He really didn't want to be near anyone and wanted to just listen to their pathetic excuses. He watched as more parents filed in and were taking their seats. Maverick also noticed how the principal, guidance counselor and other faculty members were sitting in the front.

"People, please take your seats. Thank you for coming. Everyone at the school board cares about the safety of our students." Within seconds uproar happened.

"Where the hell were the teachers?!" Someone yelled.

Thank you!

Where the hell was security or the teachers? Did they all take a fucking vacation or something?

𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐆|𝐂𝐎𝐁𝐑𝐀 𝐊𝐀𝐈Where stories live. Discover now