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Layla woke up feeling like trash

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Layla woke up feeling like trash.

Her head was pounding, she felt like throwing up and her entire body hurt. Oh my god, is this what a hungover feels like? If so, Layla knows she's never drinking again.

"Oh good, you're awake. Figured you'd sleep in, again." Maverick walked inside her room handing Layla a cup of tea which she gratefully took.

Oh shit.

She probably came in the house looking like a hot mess and it was going to be her dads job to take care of her. Layla felt horrible.


"No, it's my turn to talk. This summer.....was probably one of the weirdest summers of my life. I put you in karate, you got a girlfriend, I've been making money, things were looking good. But then my boss and your sensei has been fighting and that leaves me in a.......what the fuck situation. You know me. I'm a cool dad. I try and give you all the things I never got as a kid. And for you to go out to the party, get drunk, and then leave your little sister to take you home? What kind of shit is that? I've also been letting you slide with a whole lot of shit. You think I didn't find out about the mall fight? The beach club? You see my boss lets me in on a lot of things you and your goddamn friends pull. I knew I should've pulled you out as soon as you got hurt on that tournament shit." Layla didn't know what to say. Because everything her dad said was true. Layla has been getting out of line with her friends and she had to stop.

"My girlfriend cheated on me." Layla mumbled looking down at the ground. Mavericks eyes widened and he moved to sit down next to her on the bed.

"Lani only told me you got drunk, not that you got cheated on. What happened?"

"Sam was drunk, and I went to go find something to sober her up. When I came back I found her kissing Miguel." Layla explained and Maverick rubbed his eyes.

"Layla, I'm sorry."

"No. I knew we rushed into this too fast. Sam had just officially ended things with Miguel and then she comes over and kisses me. Deep down I knew this was going to happen but I just ignored it because I didn't want it to be true." Layla stared at the wall for a moment before beginning to talk again.

"Why is it always us?"


"I mean why is it always us getting screwed over? Mom screwed you over, and Sam screwed me over. I'm tired of this shit."

"I know. I tried to talk to your mom yesterday, but she was at some bar and it was impossible to get three words out of her." Layla nodded.

"I'm sorry for getting drunk at the party."

"It's alright." The two got up and walked out of the room to see Leilani sleeping on the couch.

"Leilani was a little drunk herself. So I let her crash." Layla nodded and shook Leilani awake.

𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐆|𝐂𝐎𝐁𝐑𝐀 𝐊𝐀𝐈Where stories live. Discover now