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If there was one thing Layla loved to do during summer vacation, it was sleep in

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If there was one thing Layla loved to do during summer vacation, it was sleep in. Sleeping was a luxury she hadn't had in a while, with her brain damage and nightmares. But now that things were going back to normal, she could sleep again.

"No no no no no. We are not doing this again. Wake your ass up!" Maverick ordered, stomping inside Laylas room. Layla groaned and pulled her blanket over her body, turning on her side. The last thing she wanted to do at the moment was wake up. It wasn't even one in the afternoon yet. Maverick groaned loudly and pulled the sheets off of Laylas body. The thing he dreaded most about being a father to a teenager, was watching her sleep the day away with no regrets in the world.

"God what the hell dad? It's so early." Layla whined.

"It's the afternoon! Wake up! Go outside! Go hang out with Sam or your sister! Do something!" Maverick exclaimed. Layla yawned and turned to lay on her stomach. Eventually she was gonna have to wake up, just not now. Maverick huffed and grabbed Laylas ankle, yanking her off her bed. Layla shrieked loudly and her eyes flew open at this.

"Dad!" She shouted.

"Did what needed to be done. Let's go. You're the last one up." And with that Maverick walked out of her room leaving her all alone. Layla fell back onto her carpet with a sigh. Summer was supposed to be about sleeping, but with Maverick being able to take later shifts and being around more, that was thrown out the window.

"Hey Layla. Do you think I should dye my hair pink now that I'm sixteen?" Leilani asked as soon as Layla walked out of her room. She sat on the couch, her laptop on her lap with a raised brow.

"Leilani, for the last time, you are not dying your hair!" Maverick told Leilani who just groaned and threw her head back. Layla had noticed that had ever since Leilani turned sixteen she thought she had all the freedom in the world. That she could do whatever she wanted.

"This is BS. First Demetri and I can barley see each other because he wants to get a summer job, and then I can't dye my hair! God this summer sucks!" Leilani yelled before storming off. Layla and Maverick shared a look with each other before bursting out into laughter.

"She gets that shit from her mother. Bianca used to always throw a tantrum when things didn't do her way. Shit still be happening." Maverick laughed harder and so did Layla, before she stopped.

"Hey, you've been.......alright? I-I mean these last few weeks have been—"

"I'm fine. Trust me. If I wasn't you would know. My mental health wasn't the greatest at some point, but I'm working on building it back up. Quinn says it won't be easy, but I'm doing pretty good so far. Oh! Speaking of Quinn, you have got to see what kind of smoothie she made this morning." Maverick said as he grabbed Laylas hand and dragged her over to the kitchen. He shoved a cup into her hands and she took a sip, immediately feeling disgusted and the urge to spit the drink out.

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