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Layla was feeling a mix of emotions right about now

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Layla was feeling a mix of emotions right about now. She was angry, depressed, and feeling stupid. Stupid that her mom only lived a couple of hours away and she didn't know.

But the story felt even worse. Turns out Bianca was a cheating bitch who went and had a kid behind Mavericks back, sealing her fate.

Layla was so happy.

She had a girlfriend, friends, and she was doing the one thing she loved. Karate. Now it was ruined when her mom showed up pretty much pleading to be back into her life. Of course she had to be the one to ruin everything.

Her friends didn't know about her mom coming back, they just knew about her leaving. And Layla wasn't going to tell them anything about it. They had enough issues.

She also debated not even showing up to training, but she went only because she felt like she needed something to get the fact her mom was back out of her mind. So she walked inside the dojo, her eyes red and puffy from crying so much. Aisha had texted her that she didn't need to show up in her gi and to just come in clothes to go outside in. So here she was tying her shoes (image above) and entered the dojo. Everyone was stretching and Layla decided to just hide in a corner until this was all over. She didn't want to interact with anyone today.

"Layla! Oh my god there you are! Where have you been?" Leilani exclaimed as she stormed over towards Layla. The girl grabbed both of Layla's shoulders and Layla felt like shoving her off and telling her to fuck off. Leilani was the last person she wanted to talk to right now.

"Hey Lani. I'm fine, just a little cold. I'll be ok." Layla walked off without another word and leaned against the wall.

"Everybody get your gis on. Training starts in five minutes." Layla didn't even notice sensei was here until she heard his voice. While everyone else was standing in the front Layla stood alone leaned against the wall. Everyone muttered words of confusion at Senseis words.

"N-N-Nothings wrong. I just thought we were going to the woods for a special training today." Miguel informed.

"What's happening in the woods?"

"Well I thought it was a good time to separate the men from the boys. And the girls too I suppose." Kreese mentioned and Layla sighed. She still didn't like him ever since he lied to her dad.

"How?" Sensei questioned.

"Coyote Creek."

Sensei turned towards Kreese. "I'm not sure they're ready for that." What the hell was that supposed to mean? Layla was ready for some stupid creek.

"Whatever Sensei. Just let us go. We're ready to prove ourselves." Layla spoke up from her spot in the corner. Johnny glanced at her and Layla just shrugged.

𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐆|𝐂𝐎𝐁𝐑𝐀 𝐊𝐀𝐈Where stories live. Discover now