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After the victory at the Sekai Taikai, Robby and Miguel decided to throw a huge party at their place

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After the victory at the Sekai Taikai, Robby and Miguel decided to throw a huge party at their place. Everyone was invited, and everyone was having a blast. Well, except for Layla. Layla had just taken her shower and was now looking for an outfit to wear. Now, you may be wondering: "It's a party right outside her house. What's the big deal?" Well, the big deal was she needed to make a fashion statement. And she really wasn't doing a good job at it. Maverick heard all of the commotion coming from her room and walked across the hall, knocking on her door.

"Dad. You should be in bed." She panted. Maverick was fully dressed, as if he was going on some date.

"Can't do that. I'm going on a date."

"What? Your leg isn't—"

"It is, Quinn checked it over. Just gotta take it easy. And I will. Why the hell aren't you outside enjoying the party, weirdo?" Maverick questioned. Layla rolled her eyes and pointed to her messy closet. With the help of Layla, Maverick made his way in front of it.

"I'm not seeing the problem here."

"Of course not. I don't have anything to wear."

Maverick just rubbed his face, having to deal with this situation too many times. That's what happens when you have a teenage daughter who claims she doesn't have anything to wear but has a closet full of clothes at the same time.

"Look! I see an outfit right there!" Maverick exclaimed, pointing to the ground. Layla looked down at her graphic tee along with a pair of cargo pants. The shirt was alright, it's just the pants that had to go. Layla threw the shirt back at Maverick, who threw it right back. Layla managed to find the jeans she was lookin for, after practically tearing apart her entire closet. Maverick grabbed her legs and dragged her from out of the closet, staring down at her.

"You done yet?" He laughed.

"Not even close. Gotta find a pair of shoes."

"Oh my god." Maverick mumbled. Layla burst out into laughter and hit her dads shoulder before moving on to her shelf full of sneakers. Anyone with common sense knew that Layla was a major sneaker head. Not a day went by where she wore the same pair of shoes twice. She always had a different pair, no matter what. Maverick took the time to get comfortable on Laylas bed, turning on the tv and watching the news.

"Vans or Jordan's?" Layla held up both pairs, waiting for her dad to answer. Maverick just let out a yawn and pointed to the vans. Layla nodded and placed them on her feet, cracking her neck and taking a deep breath. Alright, she was almost ready to go.

"Layla! Come on, everyone's waiting for you!" Leilani called, banging on her door. Layla just rolled her eyes and smiled, lying in bed beside her dad.

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