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Layla had never felt so scared and worried in a long time

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Layla had never felt so scared and worried in a long time. Maverick got hurt by Silver, and he was on mandatory bed rest until his injury was fully healed. Because of this, Quinn was in charge. And because she barley knew the routine when it came to karate, Layla was in charge. And that was kinda pressuring to say the least. With Leilani wanting to leave the house every two seconds, Quinn working shifts which meant Layla was stuck taking care of Maverick, it was all a lot.

Today she finally managed to escape for one day and was over at Miguel's house with Leilani and Robby.

"Lani, what're you doing?" Robby sighed, looking at how she was on her computer looking extremely focused. Leilani didn't say anything, just turned her laptop towards the trio who looked at it with wide eyes. There were a bunch of news articles on Terry Silver, good and bad.

"I'm trying to find his address. I figured a billionaire like him would like, have his address public, you know?" Leilani explained.

"I'm pretty sure any sane person wouldn't have their address online." Miguel pointed out.

"Well, he must do. Because I found the address. If we leave now, we can get there in an hour tops. Half hour if we don't stop for food and bathrooms."

"We're not going to Silvers house. And that's the least of our problems. Did you guys see the Seikai Taikai video Eli sent in the group chat last night?" Layla questioned, pulling out her phone. Leilani raised a brow and moved over, looking over Laylas shoulder. Miguel and Robby did the same, all of them standing closely beside Layla. As they all watched the video, their faces were a mix of shock and excitement at the same time. Layla never knew anyone could fight that aggressively or kick that high.

"I'm just gonna opt out now to save myself humiliation." Leilani spoke, throwing her hands up. Layla hit her arm before turning her attention towards the video.

"Wait, I think this guy just got his tooth knocked out." Miguel gaped, taking Laylas phone and rewinding the video. The man in fact did get his teeth knocked out, and blood was everywhere. Leilani winced and turned the video off, letting out a sigh afterwards. Layla didn't wanna believe it but in a way Leilani was right. These fighters looked so much more skilled and aggressive then anything she's ever seen before. How was she supposed to compete with that?

"I think we're all gonna do fine." Robby assured, trying to calm the group down, which worked. Layla sent him a grateful smile which he returned seconds later.

The next day the two sisters were at Miyagi Do, walking with Miguel, Robby, and Eli.

"Dude, did you catch that video I sent you of last years Sakai Taikai?" Eli questioned, turning towards Miguel.

"Man, who knew people could kick that high?"

"Or that hard?" Robby added.

"I guess that's why it's the biggest competition in the world." Sam commented, making her way over with Chris and penis breath.

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