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Layla was training on the beach with Sam

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Layla was training on the beach with Sam. It wasn't really her style considering she was used to being in a dojo but then again she would do shut i r for Sam. Sam pulled Layla by the collar of her shirt into a passionate kiss which she gladly returned. The kiss turned into a make out session on the goddamn beach, not that Layla was complaining.
Meanwhile with Tory, she was figuring out ways to get back at Layla and Sam. More specifically Sam. And with Bella, she was just figuring out ways to get back at Layla.

How could she be dating the enemy?

It made no sense.

Layla was punching the punching bag at the Miyagi dojo. If her senseis found out she was there he would probably go insane. It was bad enough one of his students were dating his rivals daughter, but it was another thing to be caught at that rivals dojo. Training at the dojo turned into another make out session, and they got caught by Sam's dad. Layla also promised she would take Sam out on a better date then the roller rink, and Sam has said she wanted to take Layla out on a better date. The two got into a little argument about it before they both agreed Layla would take Sam on the date first.

But on to more important things.

Layla was no longer a virgin.

That moment in the car got heated and Layla wasnt thinking correctly so she had sex with her girlfriend. Not that she regretted it, she was just scared for her dads reaction.

Layla kissed Sam goodbye as she drove off and Layla slowly walked inside her house. The house was pitch black and Layla turned on her flashlight stalking through the house. But she was caught off guard when the light turned on her dad sat on the couch chair, sipping on something from his cup.

"Oh hello. You're only what, five hours late?" Maverick said and Layla sighed and looked down at the ground.

"Mind telling me where you were, sweetie?"

"I was out with Sam, dad. I told you."

"No, you told me you'd be back before midnight. It's going on fucking three in the morning Layla! School is starting up soon which means you're supposed to be back on track! Just tell me where you were."

"Wha-I'm not lying I was with Sam the entire time."

"You know what? It is way to late for this, and some people have work in the morning. Just go to your room." Layla didn't move from her spot.

"I'm sorry dad."

"It's fine. Just go to your room and try to get some rest." Layla walked over to her room, feeling guilty for pissing her dad off. She should've remembered that she had a curfew, it was just she was so caught up in the moment like any other teenager she didn't think about anything else. So she put on her pajamas and climbed into bed, shutting off her light.

The next day Layla woke up in the middle of the afternoon per usual. Her dad was right. She needed to start getting her sleeping schedule back on track. All summer long she'd been falling asleep at around four or three in the morning and waking up at around two in the afternoon. So she groaned before checking the time on her phone.

𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐆|𝐂𝐎𝐁𝐑𝐀 𝐊𝐀𝐈Where stories live. Discover now