Part 22

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Dabi POV


The silence echoed through the room after the green haired doctor said it...

"w-what?" was all I could manage to say

"I believe you're pregnant... I'm not sure though..." she said

I can't be pregnant can I... Keigo and I did do it... But it was once... Was once enough?...

"ah" the doctor said after rummaging through a bag she had brought with her "this pregnancy test will help to see if you're actually pregnant or not"

I took it slowly and cautiously, and walked my way to the bathroom to use it.

*Time skip:15 minutes *

I had been standing watching the pregnancy test for the past 15 minutes analysing everything.


The positive sign showed up

W-what... No... This isn't real... Right...

I took a deep breath and took the pregnancy test to the living room.

Keigo was sitting on a sofa all tense and looking down.

The doctor looked up "Dabi?" she said

Keigo looked up a little bit of panic in his facial expression.

"I-I'm..." I cut myself off

Keigo got up and hugged me "it's alright just tell me"

"I'm pregnant" I said hugging him back a couple tears came out of my eyes, whether they were of joy or fear i couldn't tell.

"Really!?" asked hawks in happiness and joy.

"Mhm" was all I could say

"right then" said the doctor awkwardly "eat healthy, no smoking, no drugs and that's basically it, anymore information you may want or need is online"

"congratulations" the doctor said with a big smile, before turning to leave through the front door closing it behind her.

"I'm going to be a mom!" I cried in happiness

"I'm going to be a dad!" Keigo laughed in disbelief

Keigo pulled me in for a deep, long kiss. I rested my arms on his shoulders and Keigo put his hands on my hips.

I broke the kiss.

"I need to tell Toga!"I said happily and excited

" what about me? " he asked " I'm a hero, her enemy"


"she wouldn't hurt you, especially if I'm pregnant with your child"

"Oh Toya how can I say no to you" he responded

I walked to my phone and texted Toga

Hey crazy? You there?

Yeah I'm here, whats wrong?

Later maybe at 7 o'clock, come to the apartment, bring Kurogiri if you want


I have some exciting news!

Really?! It better be exciting because crusty bitch is making everything booooooring


Bish 😑

What about twice and compress?

I'd rather tell them later

gtg, handyman is having a tantrum
See you at 7


"Alright Toga and maybe Kurogiri are coming at 7" I said to hawks

He nodded, obviously a tiny bit nervous. I walked over and hugged him.

"its going to be alright" I said

"I hope so" he responded

Secret Omega (A Dabihawks/Hotwings story) Where stories live. Discover now