Part 49

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Dabi's POV

"I'm sorry Toya, I had to"

My whole world came crashing down around me. My mate, my trusted mate revealed my biggest secret.

Endeavour turned around and looked at Hawks.

"You knew?" His voice full of despair "you knew this whole time that my son was alive"

I felt my fists curling up in my handcuffs. The person I loved like no other had betrayed me. I ran towards the feathered man and whacked him  across the face with both hands, the handcuffs cutting his cheek. I was grabbed by the flaming shithead as quickly as I had lunged at Hawks.

"You bastard" I shouted as Endeavour held me back "I fucking loved you how could you!?"

Hawks held his cheek as he put his other hand on the wall next to him in shock.

He looked at me with his honey coloured eyes, the once shocked look turned into one of understanding then sorrow. He knew how much I wanted to keep this a secret, how my father treated me in the past, how I turned out this way.

Hawks looked down putting his hands by his side.

"I'm sorry Toya, I couldn't watch you rot in a cell because that's probably what would've happened... I didn't want our child to be taken away..."

I could feel Endeavours flames increase on my back as all i could do was stare

"You're mated to my son? I put you on the lead of this case and you knew everything from the start!?" The hero behind me raged


"Endeavour.. I'm ready to take any consequences for mating a villain, but please let Toya live a comfortable life with our child." He said sharing a glance  with the man behind me

My mate stood infront of me, his wings drooping low his face filled with pain.

My lip trembled as Keigo had just sacrificed his whole career just for me and our child.

"Keigo..." I was at a loss of words

Endeavour started to pull me away from him.

"I'll sort something out" endeavour grumbled to him

Keigo gave a smile full of anguish to me as I was slowly pulled out of view

Endeavour took me into a big room with a desk he sat me down in a cushioned chair at the side of the room.

The hero knealt imfront of me and took my hands into his

"Toya... I promise I will fix this." He said looking into my eyes "I've been such a horrible person to you and you deserve so much more than what I can do for you"

I looked away I couldn't deal with much more I already felt like I was cracking.

He stood up.

When I looked up he was gone and I was left alone in his office.

"Oh birdie what are we gonna do..." I whispered to my bump touching it delicately

Endeavours POV

I walked out of my office tears threatening to fall. How was I so stupid in the past why did I have to ruin everything, all my children hated me, my wife never wants to see me.

I have to make things right. I need to be a better person, a better father, a better husband. Someone they can be proud of saying they're related to.

"Endeavour, the press wants to ask questions"

"Tell them I don't have time, also inform the hero commision I need to talk asap"

"Yes sir"

I walked around looking for Hawks, I eventually found him on the roof sitting on the edge.

"Hawk's I need your help"

He turned around looking at me his eyes void of emotion

"I'm setting up a meeting with the hero commision about Toya and as his mate, you should be there."

The winged hero nodded back before turning to watch the skyline full of clouds.

"This is probably one of my last days free, before I become a caged bird" he joked still not facing me

"Hawk's I promise you I will fight for you, for Toya's sake"

He turned around again with slightly wide eyes

"You'd do that?"

"I want to be a better father to all my kids this is on the path to that"

The bird man smiled only stopping when the almost comfortable silence was broken by my phone ringing.

The hero comission

Hello endeavour the meeting you requested will commense in an hour》

|hope you all enjoyed my bad attempt at angst|

|hope you all enjoyed my bad attempt at angst|

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