Part 25

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Hawks POV

I landed in an alley way near the hospital, so Toya could sort out his hood.

"Right lets go" I said


"I'm not sure I want to go" Toya said nervously

"Toya... I know you can do this-" I started

"she's going to hate me... She's going to say I'm a monster!"

I could hear the pain in his voice. I ran up and pulled him into an embrace.

"Toya she is your mother, she is going to love you and if she says that she isn't thinking correctly and hasn't had enough time to process your visit"

"k-kiego! " said the hooded omega under my embrace

He released a few hopefull pheromones.

"let's go" I said letting him leave my tight hug

We walked to the hospital him a couple of meters behind me due to the crowd of fans coming my way. After walking through the hospital gates I was rejoined by dabi and the crowd dispersed. We got to the reception.

"Is Mrs Todoroki free?" I asked

"She is for the next two hours" replied the receptionist in shock that she was talking to me, i am the number 2 hero after all.

"which room is she in?" I asked politely

"she is in room xxx on floor x" responded the receptionist

I smiled and turned towards the stairs. Toya walked beside me obviously nervous. Within a couple of minutes we were stood outside of her room.

"I'll go introduce you as Toya" I said to the hooded figure to my side.

I knocked on the door.

"come in!" said a feminine voice.

I opened the door revealing Rei Todoroki.

"pro hero Hawks?" she said totally aware of who I was.

"Mrs Todoroki" I said smiling

"what brings you here?"

"I've come bearing news about your son"

"Shoto or Natsuo"

"neither, it's about Toya"

I seemed to hit a nerve, she looked upset and angry that I brought up his name.

"Toya died about 10 years ago" she said tears forming in her eyes "yet you bring his name up... Why?"

"he's alive" I say



"Toya Todoroki is alive"

She started to smile and cry at the same time

"my baby is alive" she muttered in disbelief under her breath

She looked directly in my eyes

"where is Toya" she asked smiling

I smiled "he's right outside this door, I'll go get him"

Dabi POV

Keigo left the room with a beam on his face.

"She's ready to see you" he said

I felt my adrenaline pumping I took a deep breath and put my hand on the handle and pushed in.

There she was, my beautiful mother, standing up with her hair down. She was smiling whilst looking at me, I had hardly ever seen her smile and so many memories flooded through me.

"h-hey mom" was all I could say before she hugged me.

"Toya..." she said in my shoulder

I could feel the wetness on my shoulder from her tears.

She let me go.

"Toya, why are you wearing a hood?" she asked "I cannot see your face"

"mom- promise not to hate me?"

"why would I hate you I'm your mother" she replied with a little concern

"I'm sorry" I said as I took of the hood revealing my scarred up face.

At first she looked shocked then she did something unpredictable.

"oh Toya" she said putting her hand on my face.

I felt my eyes fill with tears as she went to hug me again. She hugged me tightly.

"you don't think I'm a monster?" I asked a little bit shocked

"of course not, you are my eldest son, and I love you so much" she replied

After a couple minutes of a tight embrace, She let go.

"Toya, why don't you invite Mr Hawks in for a cup of tea?" she said while walking to the kitchen to turn the kettle on.

"I'll do that, as we both have some important news to tell you." I said happily.

I went to the door and invited Keigo in.

We all sat around her tiny table with a cup of tea.

"so you and Toya had some important news to tell me?" she asked intrigued.

"Well yes" I said.

Keigo took my hand under the table and squeezed it tightly showing his support.

"I-I'm pregnant!" I said smiling nervously

She dropped the tea cup smashing it on the floor.

"what!?" she said in shock

"I'm pregnant"

"with who" she asked

"me" replied Keigo nervously

He was obviously still scared of kurog- mamagiri's reaction

"I'm going to be a grandmother!" she said excitedly getting up to hug me.

Whilst hawks used his feathers to clean up the smashed teacup.

"how pregnant are you" she asked touching my stomach

"just a few weeks" I responded

She looked at me "when are you going to tell Fuyumi, Natsuo and Shoto your alive and pregnant"

"ummm I don't know..." I said

"well when you're ready tell me and I'll arrange a meeting for you and your siblings" she said supportively "all 3 miss you immensely"

She gave me a piece of paper with her phone number on it.

"you better get going Fuyumi is usually early for her appointments." she smiled sadly

I kissed her cheek and put my hood up.

"see you later mom..." I said upset that our meeting had come to an end.

"keep me updated on the pregnancy" she called as Hawks and I walked to the door.

"will do" I said as I left through the door

That went better than expected.

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