Part 30

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|Shoto's ship is TodoShin (Todoroki x Shinso), as it won the vote. I've never seen the ship before but I personally quite like the sound of it (pls don't have ship wars in the comments)|

Aizawa POV (new POV :o)

After witnessing the LoV slaughter a whole group of villains in under a hour is scary. But what scared me even more was seeing the known omega, Dabi having trouble catching his breath and clutching his stomach area after using a large amount of his quirk. It could be nothing... But it is possible, anything is... Especially a known omega being... Pregnant.

I debated my options of telling the other heroes about my theory. I'll keep it to myself... Its probably better that way untill I know the truth.

"Hey Dad, you ok, you're a little pale?" said my adopted son, Hitoshi Shinso.

"just caught up in my thoughts" I responded

"anything you want to talk about?"

"no-     dont you have that date with the candy cane problem child"

Shinso blushed.

"It's not a date Dad!"

"oh really?" 😏

"Shot- I mean Todoroki just asked if I wanted dinner with him, nothing more"


"Hitoshiiiiii" came the little voice of Eri

"Yes Eri?" he responded when she walked in the room.

"what are these?" she asked holding Hitoshi's heat Suppresants in her hand.

"Eri put those dow-!" started Shinso angrily

"Eri honey please give those to your brother, you'll know what they are in the future" I said not wanting Hitoshi to lose his calm.

"oki!" she said handing the purple haired boy his Suppresants.

He snatched them quickly and stuffed them in his pocket. He hated being an omega, he hid it so well though. The only people who knew of his secondary gender was me, Hizashi (P.Mic), Nezu and Todoroki. Anyone who found out would be immediately brainwashed to forget. Well initially Todoroki kept getting brainwashed because he kept figuring it out untill Shinso gave up brainwashing Mr daddy issues and made him promise not to tell anyone else.

"apologise to your sister Hitoshi" I said sternly

"fineee, sorry for snatching the pills and shouting, Eri" he said generally sorry

"it's ok big brother Hitoshi!" she giggled.

Hitoshi took her hand and left my office leaving me in silence- well if you count silence as having Hizashi not using his indoor voice downstairs.

I rubbed my temples. I'm going to have to follow Dabi tonight to proove my theory right. Greatttt another sleepless night.

Hmmm if the villain is pregnant I wonder who could be the father. He seems quite close with Shigaraki... Maybe Twice... Compress?

I was sounding desperate trying to figure out who the father was for the pup who probably didn't even exist.

Damnn I'm too tired for this shit... I might as well get as much sleep as I can right now. I walked to myself and Hizashi's room and went to sleep, setting the alarm clock on for 21:00, so around sunset, when the villains came out.

«A time skip brought to you by Aizawa being a lazy bitch and sleeping 24/7»

The night was pretty breezy as it blew through my tangled black hair. I had previously noted down all the places the league had been seen and suprisingly most of the areas were quite close to eachother.

I started investigating all the places when suddenly I heard a familiar voice in a dark alley way.

"c'mon Shiggy please let me get a new knife!"

As soon as the sentence was finished I recognised straight away who it was.

"Toga! I told you no more new knifes you have a literal wardrobe full of the things"

I hid behind a dumpster, as soon as I heard the raspy voice.

"They're mostly syringes not knifes!" said Toga grumpily as she stomped past the dumpster I was using as a hiding spot.

The two villains continued their conversation, unaware of me on their tail

Soon enough, they entered an abandoned building. I snuck around to the back of the abandoned building and found a small window in which I could look through.

"Kurogiriii! Shiggy wouldn't let me get a knew knife"

The small girl with blonde hair started complaining to the purple-black mist like it was her mother...

I couldn't help but feel bad for the girl, she's so young, the same age as my problem children to be precise, so no wonder she saw a mother figure in the dark mist. Now that I looked closer they all treated him like that... Like a mother.

Then something caught my attention among the commotion.

"Hey Dabs can I talk to you privately upstairs in my room?" asked Toga

The scarred but quite good looking guy nodded his head and followed her out. I parkoured myself up to one of the upstairs windows and after a while of swinging window sill to window sill without being spotted I finally found the two enter a room

"what did you need crazy?" asked Dabi

"I wanted to know how the pup's doing" she responded while touching his belly area

I nearly fell when she said this.

My theory was... Right!?

"The pup's fine so is the father"

Note to self find father and find who to tell about this terrifying news first I thought to myself as I jumped onto a building and started running.

|oop shits about to go downnn (spoiler?) |

|Do you guys ship TodoShin? cause I sure as hell do especially since writing this part|

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