Part 38

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Hawks POV

"WINGS!" Toya and I cried in unison

Natsuo pointed to the babies back on the monitor to reveal little tiny wings protruding. The wings were so tiny, no wonder why I didn't notice until it was pointed out.

"I've never heard of babies producing quirks in the womb!" said Toya in a panic

I nodded my head in agreement showing my support for my mate and worry for my future child.

"It's rare but possible..." Natsuo said "It's just that in some cases, not all, that children with powerful quirks seem to develop them earlier than 4 to 5 years old... Sometimes inside the mother"

I smiled and put my hand on my mates shoulder and rubbed circles with my thumb.

"nothing to worry about, right?" I asked looking deep into Natsuo's silver-grey eyes

"not a single thing" he said smiling

I sighed in relief and I saw Toya put a hand on his stomach before shaking his hand off after touching the ultrasound gel. I chuckled and natsuo sniggered while shaking his head.

"Right let me take the gel off then" said Natsuo

After he took it off and we took photos of the ultrasound. He packed up his things.

"Hey Natsu!" said Toya walking towards his brother "stay for a cup of tea so we can catch up"

Natsuo smiled "Just a cup... my mate is waiting-"

"You have a mate!?" said Toya in shock

Natsuo scratched the back of his head

"are you Alpha, beta or omega" I asked tilting my head as I started making tea

"I'm Alpha" he said smiling awkwardly

"and your mate?" Toya asked asked

"a male omega"

Toya hugged him "you better be taking care of him, us omegas need alot of attention" He said

"they definitely do" I sighed

Toya glared at me and Natsuo snorted.

I finished up with the teas and took them to the sofa and handed them to the brothers and sat down with my own tea.

"What's your mates name?" I asked

I saw a bead of sweat drip down his face.

"um... His name is Tenko!"

I don't know if it was just me or is hiding something about his mate... Well if he was he was definitely fooling Toya.

Before long the conversation left that area and the two were talking about their siblings and Natsuo found out that Toya came into contact with their mother a few months ago which made him happy.

After a while Natsuo's phone rang

"oh shit it's my mate... I completely forgot"

He put the phone up to his ear.

"Hey Tenko..."


"yeah yeah I'm coming home soon"


"I'll explain when I'm home... Ok?"


"love ya, bye"

He hung up the phone. He looked towards his big brother.

"I have to go Toya..." he said sadly

"I know, I heard" said Toya back

They hugged and exchanged numbers before Natsuo ran out the door.

"I miss him already" sighed Toya

I patted Toyas hedgehog hair noticing white roots standing out.

"lets go dye your hair" I said hoping to cheer him up

I made him giggle slightly.

Natsuo POV

After getting home and receiving a telling off from Tomura . I explained everything to him about Dabi being my big brother and being pregnant with Hawks. At first he was shocked but he calmed down realising it would be a bad thing to upset me. We were sort of like each others therapists, we told eachother everything.

"I'll talk to Dabi about this later... I'll probably explain the real reason I kicked him out of the LoV a while ago..." he said

I nodded in agreement

"make sure, to let him know, you support him"  I added on to my nod

Tomura yawned while nodding.

"I know it's early but I think we should go to bed since tomorrow is a long day"

He smiled in agreement and we walked to bed, getting in and giving a passionate but quick kiss too eachother before going to sleep.

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