Part 23

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Hawks POV

I cleaned the house making sure it was neat and tidy, because I didn't want a couple of the most well known villains to think my house is not good enough for their friend.

"you know the house is already really clean"

"it's not good enough... Hmph"

Toya giggled, and I blushed slightly.

Before long the tidy room was looking- tidier... If thats possible

Meanwhile while I did that Toya got changed into some black skinny jeans, and a baggy black t-shirt. And then I sat him on the sofa.

"right, what time is it" I asked

"6:52 pm" responded Toya

"I'm going to put myself in the bedroom... You call me when you're ready to introduce me as the father"

"good plan" he replied, getting up and giving me a light peck on my lips.

"I better put myself in there now, they're going to arrive soon" I said turning away from him.

Soon enough I heard voices in the other room

Dabi POV

The blonde haired girl ran straight into my arms.

"Dabi!!!! I missed youuu" she cried

"Nice to see you, crazy" i said hugging her back

I looked up to see kurogiri

"good to see you too kurogiri" I said smiling

"and you Dabi" he responded

Toga separated herself from me "what was the important news Dabi???" she asked excitingly

"I think we better sit dow" I said nervously

"is everything ok" asked kurogiri probably noticing I was nervous

"lets just sit down" I said making my way to the sofa, the other two following.

We all sat down and I looked down, I had butterflies in my stomach...

This is going to be hard to say...

"right..." I said

"come on dabi we won't judge anything" said Toga reassuringly

Kurogiri nodded in agreement

I mumbled under my breath

"come on dabi speak up it can't be that ba-" startde kurogiri

"I'm pregnant! " I managed to get out

They both looked shocked

"what?..." said Toga

"I'm pregnant..." I said quietly but loud enough for them to hear


The room was silent... Untill

"I'm going to be an auntie!!" squealed Toga in excitement jumping to hug me

I laughed

"when did you find out" she asked in my arms

"just today" I admitted "so I am only a few weeks into my pregnancy"

I looked to kurogiri who seemed to be... Angry?

"who's the father!?" he asked

"oh um, promise to not get mad?" I said

"I wouldn't care if it was the no.1 hero himself" said Toga getting out of the embrace.

"don't make me sick I hate that man, and I have much better taste" I responded

She laughed knowing of my hatred towards Endavour, but not knowing why I hate him.

"where is the father" came the angry voice of Kurogiri.

"Keigo!!" I called to the bedroom.

The door opened and out he stepped.

"Hero!!..." started Toga.... "wait a minute... Wait a god damn minute, the no. 2 hero is the father of your child!!"

"yep that's it" said hawks cooly

I looked back to see kurogiri's eye twitching
"you touched dabi, you oversized chicken"

Hawks face went from: 🙂 - - - > 😳

I couldn't help but laugh and Toga was wheezing.

"s-scary" said hawks 👉👈

"I better be scary to you, birdbrain" said Kurogiri intimidating my boyfriend. Kurogiri released a couple anger pheromones.

"if you so much as hurt dabi you'll be six feet under, am I clear" said Kurogiri showing his overprotective mamagiri side.

"yes sir 😥" replied hawks

Right after kurogiri's phone went off.

"yes Tomura? -     we'll be right there" said Kurogiri

"come on Toga we have an attac- a mission to do" he said correcting himself as he realised the no. 2 hero was in the same room.

"my lips are sealed" said hawks

Just as they were about to enter the portal that Kurogiri had just made.

"don't tell anyone please, I'll tell them when I'm ready!" I said to them

Toga ran up and hugged me "promise" she said "and keep me updated"

Before walking through the portal with Kurogiri who was watching Hawks intently.

The warpgate closed.

Hawks: 😥

"who are we going to tell next" asked hawks suddenly

"well I was hoping to reveal myself as toya to my mother, and then tell her about the baby" I said truthfully

"good idea" he said back...

"I feel like sushi for dinner" I said

"that was random" he laughed "I'll go order some"

He walked to the next room.

I placed my hands on my stomach

"we've got a long way to go, little one"

|Oop how's Mrs Todoroki going to react too her son being alive and pregnant find out in one of the next chapters|

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