Part 35

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Hawks POV

I had planned to ask Dr Suzuki if she could do ultrasounds and similar stuff like that today... But I wasn't expecting all of her office things in boxes on her desk...

"Suzuki? Whats happening?" I asked concerned

She walked in from another doorway and leaned herself against the doorframe.

"I was offered a job at Endeavours agency for a higher pay rise... I didn't want to decline this offer it was alot of money on offer" she replied a little sad

"oh... Who's going to be my new private doctor now" I joked half heartily

"I actually organised a replacement, we studied together in college for a bit and he is going to be a very good doctor, I can tell" she replied a hint of happiness in her voice

"ok... When is he arriving?"

"He has already arrived and those are actually his belongings in those boxes" she said pointing to the boxes on the desk, which I had originally thought were filled with her stuff.

"can I meet him then?" I asked still quite upset Dr Suzuki was leaving

"sure" she said getting up and leaving the room, returning soon with a tall man behind her.

Suzuki stepped aside to reveal a man in his early 20s maybe late teens, he had white hair and grey eyes and a big massive smile

"Hello Hawks, my name is Natsuo Todoroki" he said increasing his big massive smile

My mates brother was standing in front of me and I couldn't help but feel a tiny bit nervous... The worst thing was that Natsuo thought Toya was dead....

This is going to go great :) -
Especially since I need a doctor for Toyas pregnancy and might have to use his brother for it 😐

"Hello Dr Todoroki, n-nice to meet you" I said stuttering a bit luckily neither of the doctors noticed

"well I better get going" said Suzuki from behind Natsuo

"good bye Suzuki, good luck" I said smiling

"you'll need it when you're around that man" added in Natsuo

I'm now pretty sure every one of Endeavours children hate him... 😅

"well I best start getting unpacked" said dr Todoroki as he went towards his boxes on the table

"could I possibly know what areas you specialise in the medical subject" I asked suddenly

"oh yeah sure, I specialise in: basic first aid, surgeries of most kind, breaks and fractures and much more... I also randomly know how to do things to do with pregnancies, but that's not important" he said

When he randomly added the last bit I was overjoyed

"actually as you are my private doctor you have to deal with my family... And my mate is pregnant for the first time..." I started

"oh congratulations! I would be more than happy to help with your mate" he smiled

"thank you" I said

"May I know their name?" he asked

Ohhhh shit 😐😐😐

"ummmmmm... About that... I have to keep that secret as you know fans of mine will be all over him 😅👉👈"

"... oh sure" he said

I'm glad he said that and didn't push on

"I'll leave you to do your work and unpack... My Office is out of that door, down the hallway at the door at the end... Go there later to tell me when you can see my mate" I said leaving the room

He waved after me.

What a coincidence that my mates brother was my private doctor... Speaking of Toya he's going too kill meee

Dabi POV

The League was doing a planning day today, it was a day where we worked together to come up with plans for the future.

Well I say a day to work together, we all basically argued and laughed at each others stupidity 😌👌

A recent recruit started going on about this plan about attacking UA and I immediately saw a flaw so I decided to point it out to him.

"shut the fuck up you Omega whore, you have no sa-" he started

Let's just say he didn't finish his sentence because a hand grasped the back of his neck and a knife went through his stomach and his remains which was basically dust and a bloody knife were warp gated away within seconds.

Well let's just say alot of the members of the league were a little bit scared to even glance in my direction... Well to be honest if I was them I would be scared too. 😅

Well soon enough it was time for me to leave since the whole league started to have a brawl and an unimpressed mamagiri, made a warpgate to my home.

"Toya?" said Hawks from behind

"oh hey babe" I said

"ummm you may or may not be having an ultrasound with-" he said cutting himself out on the last word

"Keigo darling... Who am I having an ultrasound with? Is it with Suzuki? " I asked


I was a little worried so I got to him and hugged him, he hugged back tightly like he was about to die

"it's with... Your brother Natsuo"

|A little bit of Natsuo, A little bit of the dabi protection squad- plus a new member can you guess who? I'm very pleased with this chapter|

|I'm thinking of doing Natshig as a ship but Idk ur choice|

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